
The Taste of Elder: Blossom

Try the first Elder Beer!

20 Haz 2018

Together with Brouwerij Oedipus and artist Zeger Reyers, we follow the seasons with the elder tree, and we brew four different seasonal beers with local ingredients from this everyday shrub and a cuvée in which the taste of the whole year is captured. Blossom, branches, berries and woods ear. They can all be found on the common elder, in other words, the Sambucus Nigra.

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Elderflower beer - We are making a new beer with Oedipus Brewing and Zeger Reyers! The city Amsterdam is filled with the Elderflower, so we decided to check what it tastes like in combination with beer.  During this year we have several events where brew beer with different parts of the plant. Come and join us at the start of our Elder beer-journey !  Karenina van den Crommenacker, Pierre Brouillet

The Taste of Elder

On this first taste-and-test evening, we examine the blossom. What can you do with it? Zeger Reyers talks about his fascination with this so ordinary shrub, Sander Nederveen discusses the ins and outs of brewing with weeds, and Jonmar van Vlijmen gives us more background about the ups and downs of the ordinary plant in Amsterdam.


Elderflower beer in Oedipus bottle - Karenina van den Crommenacker

Zeger Reyers

In his work, nature is the driving force. Artist Zeger Reyers holds a fascination with overgrown nature that takes over our environment. The stories around the Elder, the most 'normal' tree, are centuries old and countless. In collaboration with the Oedipus brewery, Zeger captures the flavours and stories of elderberry in five different beers. Four times the taste of the season, resulting in the taste of the year in a cuvée.


Zeger Reyers giving leaves to the public - Zeger giving to the public to smell the leaves he uses for the live distillation. Anisa Xhomaqi

With: Zeger Reyers

Jonmar van Vlijmen and Ronald Boer

With De Onkruidenier, Jonmar van Vlijmen and Ronald Boer give value to the weeds in Amsterdam. What can we do with plants that we nowadays call  'weeds'? On this evening, Jonmar talks about the many exciting applications of the most underestimated plants. Did you know that the seeds of Umbelliferae, the plant family where chervil, carrot, celery and cowling belong to, are very tasty? Since the Reinheitsgebot from 1507 these could no longer be processed in beer. They would have a potentially 'disruptive' (read: hallucinatory) effect. From hops, on the other hand, you became very calm. 


Jonmar van Vlijmen wild herb hunting - wild herb foraging in Dijkspark Lisanne Groenewoud

Sander Nederveen

Sander Nederveen is brewmaster at Oedipus, a young Amsterdam brewery. Oedipus tries to brew beer for everyone's personal preference and for every moment of the day. With a personal preference for tasteful, dry beers without much alcohol. For the Taste of Elder Sander allows us to taste the first test-batch of elder beer and talks about the brewing process. How do you use different herbs and plants in beer? How do you achieve which effects?


Sander Nederveen - one of the founding members and brewmasters at Oedipus Brewery


The Taste of Elder: Blossom
Wednesday 20 June
The program starts at 20:30
Mediamatic Biotoop, Dijksgracht 6, Amsterdam
Tickets: €7.50 Regular | €5.00 Studenten | Door: €10.00 | Door Students: €7.50

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