Neo Futurist Dinner 9

A La Mano - The Spring Edition

Neo Futurist Dinner 09 - with Giulia Soldati and Tommaso Buresti

5 Haz 2019
8 Haz 2019

No distractions such as plates or cutlery, the only thing that matters tonight is a direct relationship with your food. A multi-sensory experience in seven courses, that’s what food designer Giulia Soldati and chef Tommaso Buresti present during A La Mano: The Spring Edition. Your senses will be sparked with remarkable flavor combinations and surprises. Your bare hands will explore different temperatures, textures and forms. Crispy, fresh, sweet, velvety, warm and cool alternate each other. Fingerlicking good!


Edible flowers, salad and onion sauce - Course 2 - Picking Elizabeth Vasilyeva

With: Jans Possel

Food designer Giulia Soldati and chef Tommaso Buresti created a multi-sensory experience. By licking, touching, smearing and sharing our food from the same surface, we redefine our relationship to the food we eat. 

Our creators want to give guests a better understanding of their meal. They will closely reveal the processes that the ingredients have been through and use seasonal and local products. In this way, the distance between ourselves and our food becomes even smaller. 

For this dinner the chef and food designer did on-site research, worked together with local suppliers (including our very own aquaponics garden) and experimented in the Mediamatic kitchen.

Giulia Soldati

As a designer, Giulia Soldati uses food as a tool to explore the relationship with our bodies. In the modern West, we have created a lot of barriers between our sensory perception and the world around us. With A La Mano, she presents a new culinary experience and language that is closer to our essential sensorial experiences. 

Tommaso Buresti

Italian Chef Tommaso Buresti grew up in the kitchen of his fathers restaurant. He cooks as long as he can remember, and loved to experiment with food. His background in Industrial Design influenced the way in which he looked at food and experimentation. He approaches cooking as research, with a delicious end-product. Previously he cooked at Milkwood in Cardiff. With Giulia Soldati, he sets out on a collaboration that not only brings great dishes, but a new culinary vocabulary and choreography as well. 


Neo Futurist Dinner
A La Mano: The Spring Edition
Dinner starts at 19:30
Mediamatic, Dijksgracht 6, 1019 BS Amsterdam
Six course menu: Presale €49,- | Students €29,-* (including 1, - administration costs) 
Tickets: Wednesday June 5 | Thursday June 6 Friday June 7 | Saturday June 8 June 2019
Surcharge for alcoholic beverage pairing: € 15,-
Drink Tickets: Wednesday June 5 | Thursday June 6 | Friday June 7 | Saturday June 8 June 2019


All Neo Futurist Dinners are vegan. If you have questions or want to inform us about allergies, send an e-mail to

Neo-Futurist Dinners

In the Neo-Futurist Dinner series, Mediamatic invites different artists to present their vision for the food of the future. In this way, we question the way in which food, art, science and politics intertwine.