Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#2/3 Bas Raijmakers 1 Oca 1995
Taylor, Saarinen
Mark Taylor & Esa Saarinen, Imagologies: Mediaphilosophy, Routledge, 1994
Now that the realisation is sinking in for more and more publishers that we are in a grey area between the printed book and electronic publications, conspicuous hybrids are appearing on the market.
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#2/3 Geert Lovink 1 Oca 1995
Martin Giesecke, Der Buchdruck in der frühen Neuzeit, Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt 1991
The emergence of the 'new media' quite naturally makes one think of the invention of typography. Books and new media are currently seen as natural enemies, each out for the blood of the other. Until...
book: Martin Giesecke 1 Oca 1994
Der Buchdruck in der frühen Neuzeit
Eine historische Fallstudie ueber die Durchsetzung neuer Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#1 Robert van Boeschoten 1 Oca 1994
Norbert Bolz, Am Ende der Gutenberg-Galaxis, Wilhelm Fink Verlag, München 1993
Norbert Bolz's most recent book is a summary of past ideas. Interactive means of communication have made McLuhan's End of the Gutenberg Galaxy a reality. Bolz's philosophical view of his subject is...
book: Norbert Bolz 1 Oca 1993
Am Ende der Gutenberg-Galaxis
Die neuen Kommunikationsverhältnisse
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#1 Avon Huxor 1 Oca 1994
Xanadu: The Conversation of the Digital Text
One persistent idea in science fiction has been that of an enormous computer library containing all the books ever produced in digital form. It would be a contemporary Library of Alexandria, and one...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#1 Geert Lovink 1 Oca 1994
We no longer collect the Carrier but the…
Interview with Tjebbe van Tijen
In Amsterdam, the archives of whoever ventures into the field of politics and culture will sooner or later end up with Tjebbe van Tijen. For many people he is the embodiment of 'storage mania'. How...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#1 Adilkno 1 Oca 1994
Virtual Writing
Everyone is a designer.
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#1 Paul Groot 1 Oca 1994
The Satanic Verses as a Minimal Movie
Pentiums, PowerPC chips and cd-roms have become the stars of the multimedia spectacle. But what if all you have is a Macintosh PowerBook 145, black-and-white, and still want to take part in this new...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#1 Wolfgang Ernst 1 Oca 1994
Arsenals of Memory
The archi(ve)texture of the Museum
museum - archives - books/shelves/library - letter box - container - packaging, frame - (electronic) stores - (goods) storeroom - depot/deposit - (final) deposit - (the museum as) concentration camp...
Gemeentemuseum Den Haag
15Haz 200227Eki 2002Overzichtstentoonstelling van het werk van modevormgever Aziz Bekkaoui (1969).
Mediamatic Magazine Vol.7#1 Paul Groot 1 Oca 1992
Famous Artists School, Famous Writer Tool
or: the hankering after a configurated system for the Apple and other rhetorical reflections
In Mediamatic 6#1, Paul Groot reported on his first experiences with a word processor and his struggle with the McHugh. As a sequel to these first impressions, he will review here MicroSoft's Word5...
Mediamatic Magazine vol. 8#2/3 Paul Groot 1 Oca 1995
From Home to Home: the Escape Route
Come with me, take me home! I have no home. Fix your typewriter. If you fix your typewriter you'll have your home.
Mediamatic Off-Line Vol. 10#3 Gerrit Gohlke 1 Oca 2001
Looking Away
On the Works of Mathilde ter Heijne
Obscenity can be a very private passion, but there seems to be a statistical degree of brutality whose transgression causes the public to recoil and shut their eyes.
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 9#1 Dirk Van Weelden 1 Oca 1998
Mari Soppela's Family Files
Up until the 80s, home movies were made on celluloid.
book: Michael Wetzel 1 Oca 1991
Die Enden des Buches
oder die Wiederkehr der Schrift
book: Christopher Alexander 1 Oca 1977
A Pattern Language
book: Brenda Laurel 10 Eyl 1993
Computers as Theatre
This book presents a new theory of human-computer activity. Building on Aristotle's analysis of the form and structure of drama, Laurel shows how similiar principles can help us understand what...
book: Walter Ong 1 Oca 1988
Orality and Literacy
The Technologizing of the World
Ong pulls together two decades of work by himself and others on the differences between primary oral cultures, those that do not have a system of writing, and chirographic (i.e., writing) cultures to...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#4 Michael Sikillian 1 Oca 1996
Abbreviated Hours
Multimedia in the Middle Ages
To read electronic texts is to experience chaos. Electronic mail boxes and Internet newsgroups contain messages received randomly over time. Some have more structure, forming threads, but often the...
DJ Elephant Power and Scratch Pet Land
29Eyl 2005With the Fan Club Orchestra, Scratch Pet Land, Sun o.k. Papi, Niko Uske, Ali Durt Morimoto and Quentin Hanon.
Yang Fudong and Vito Hannibal Acconci Studio
30Eyl 20051Oca 2006Vito Acconci (1940) and Yang Fudong (1971) bear it all.
Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst
Moving Targets
5Kas 20054Ara 2005With Annoyed , Wet , Rouge (2005), Rain (2004), Separation (2003), Spanking Clowns (2000), Tadzio (1991).
If I can't dance,
20Kas 200527Kas 2005A series of performances by artists interested in the notions of theatrics, deviating into radio, music, readings, and film. with Matti Braun (D), Gerard Byrne (I), Yael Davids (I/NL), Johanna...