Mediamatic Fabriek Lina Issa
What if, if I take your place?
2Ara 201221Ara 2012Lina has been placing an advertisement in different cities, online and in newspapers, asking people if she could take their place in one situation or another in their life. For an hour, a day, a...
2Kas 2012Fucking Good Art en WORM organiseren in het kader van de serie Kapitalistisch Realisme drie avonden rondom The Countryside Issue.
Young Soul Rebels
13Eki 2012Eerste lange speelfilm van de Britse kunstenaar Isaac Julien, waarin een jonge soul-DJ gearresteerd wordt voor moord.
De Balie
Het Monster van Frankenstein ben jij
11Eki 2012Een aan elkaar genaaide hoop ledematen, treurig voortstrompelend op zoek naar zijn maker. Het Monster van Frankenstein is het nog altijd afschrikkende resultaat van menselijke poging leven te kneden...
Maand van de Geschiedenis
28Eyl 201228Eki 2012Oktober 2012 staat in het teken van geschiedenis. Overal in Nederland organiseren honderden instellingen een breed scala aan activiteiten. Het thema van de Maand van de Geschiedenis is Arm & Rijk.
4Eki 20127Eki 2012Een video-installatie van Leopold Emmen in samenwerking met Dood Paard, te zien in W139
As a Matter of Reformation
13Eki 201210Kas 2012Een tentoonstelling in het UHM in Den Haag
book: Burgess Anthony 1 Oca 1962
A Clockwork Orange
Dystopian novella by Anthony Burgess.
A satire portraying a future and dystopian Western society with—based on contemporary trends—a culture of extreme youth rebellion and violence: it explores the violent nature of humans, human free...
book: George Orwell 1 Oca 1945
Animal Farm
Een roman van schrijver en journalist George Orwell.
Het satirische verhaal, dat ook als moderne fabel of allegorie kan worden opgevat, gaat over een groep dieren die er genoeg van heeft om als slaven van de mensheid te moeten leven, en de macht in...
Historisch museum Ter Aar
Taxatiemiddag puddingvormen
23Eyl 2012Op zondag 23 september a.s. houdt de Kring van Puddingvormen-verzamelaars in het museum van Ter Aar haar ontmoetingsdag.
Cannibalizing Cannibal Myth
How Brazilian cannibals captured Western thinking, devoured and digested it
Brazil’s national identity is based on a mix of ethnicities, which makes Brazilians hard to recognise on the basis of just their appearance.
Via Vinex / De Vrijstaat
Dream City
2Eyl 201221Eki 2012‘Nu komen mensen voor hun plezier, vroeger werden ze hier geëxecuteerd.’ Haji Mustafa, Dream City, Irak.
Smart Project Space
Film & Dinner: L'Amour des Moules
27Eyl 201230Eyl 2012This remarkable documentary approaches the timeless and extraordinary symmetry between living organisms and humans.
Mediamatic Magazine 3#4 Maurice Nio 1 Oca 1989
The Art of Dying
In one animals confront us with our incapacity to become extinct. In the other an obscure machine confronts us with the obsession for storing information. Two installations by IVO VAN STIPHOUT.
Mediamatic Magazine 3#4 Friedemann Malsch 1 Oca 1989
The artist KLAUS PETER SCHNUTTGER-WEBS started out in Cologne in 1981, developing from being a critic who attacked the commodity-based character of the art market to become a real cult figure who...
In Memoriam Videokunst
An Instructive Exhibition
Video Art has passed on. It will be laid to rest in the next few months by the Cardinal of the West German faithful, DR. WULF HERZOGENRATH, assisted by that relative novice DR. EDITH DECKER. The...
Mediamatic Magazine 3#4 Stefaan Decostere, Chris Dercon, john wyver 1 Oca 1989
The New Museum
script for a television program
The six sequences published here have been taken from a script consisting of 19 sequences, they were written during the second half of 1988 by Stefaan Decostere and Chris Dercon, translated and...
Mediamatic Magazine 3#4 Richard Wright 1 Oca 1989
Videographics and Allegorical Knowledge
The Epistemology of Leonardo
The past is the best alibi for the present. The present proves itself by means of the past. In addition, the past imbues current hyper advanced projects with cultural cachet, with a familiar face
13Eyl 2012Op donderdag 13 september a.s. sluit het De Mirandabad het buitenseizoen weer met het traditionele hondenzwemmen!
Mediamatic Magazine 3#4 Geert Lovink 1 Oca 1989
Media Archeology
In the shadow of French philosophy is a West German project currently researching media history. The work does not investigate mass communication, all-powerful monopolies, censorship and is openly...
9Eyl 2012Come join us for a vibrant day of local food, exchange, workshops, music and storytelling!
exhibition: Mediamatic Fabriek
20Eki 20126Oca 2013Ruilen was an exhibition and series of events. Bring the pants you can't get on alone, the games you always lose, and the books that made you cry but no longer do. And you could exchange them for...
Mediamatic Magazine 3#2 John Archibald Pump II 1 Oca 1988
America! Immeasurability, senseless repetition, metaphysical monumentalism. radical indifference, pure outward appearance, indomitable vitality, a savage but splendid ritual, the vain and absolute...
Meta-Monumental Garage Sale
"Maybe the Garage Sale is a methaphor of the mind"
The Meta-Monumental Garage Sale is a multimedia installation and performance by the critically acclaimed artist Martha Rosler