camilo cassoli
Kom je ook? Crowdsourcing op 16 juni
Koop nu je kaartjes voor Kom je ook? Crowdsourcing . De prijs loopt elke dag op dus wees er snel bij.
Crowdsourcing is het " outsourcen to the crowd ": het uitbesteden van taken aan je publiek die je normaliter zelf zou doen of zou uitbesteden aan derden. Crowdsourcing combineert klassieke sociale...
A graphic design agency based in Utrecht specialised in data visualisations, info-graphics, identities and interactive stuff.
Kulter. is both a collective and gallery stimulating cross-overs between art, performance, music, words. A couple of artists are invited to participate in an exhibition around a theme, making pieces...
workshop: Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
Fingerprint Forgery Workshop
21Mayıs 2011Steal it, forge it, make it, use it! Chaos Computer Club distributed 4,000 copies of the German minister of finance's fingerprint. Learn how to forge fingerprints yourself. No prior knowledge...
De Rode Hoed
Hoe weet je lichaam hoe laat het is?
9Mayıs 2011Een goed dagelijks ritme is essentieel om te kunnen functioneren. Dit ritme kan in de war gebracht worden door externe factoren zoals seizoensveranderingen en een jetlag als gevolg van reizen. Hoe...
activist, strategist and creative iconoclast
Argentinean, professional troublemaker, advises NGOs and movements in the field of human rights, social justice, environment, disarmament and fair trade.
yuki kho
Stanislav Dovidenko
engineer. graphic designer. architector
Being qualified in Painting I choose to work in the advertising industry for many years as a graphic designer. Few years ago my friends and I decided to create online version of label for the...
De Timmerfabriek
Out of Storage
25Haz 201118Ara 2011Out of Storage is een hedendaagse kunstproject in De Timmerfabriek in Maastricht (onderdeel van Sphinx-complex), waar van 26 juni t/m 18 december 2011 kunstwerken uit de collectie FRAC Nord-Pas de...
2011 Moataz Nasreldin
25th January
Installation of Tahrir Square protest signs
Tales of the Tahrir revolution, collected by an eyewitness.
27Nis 2011Setup organiseert woensdagavond 27 april Debite: zes debaters gaan in een boksring de strijd met elkaar aan over het thema games.
2008 Michael Haas, Julian Adenauer, Martin Fussenegger
Paintballs splashing against the windows; a colorful sign of resistance.
The viewer watches the artwork emerge dot by dot, both product and method are intertwined within the artwork.
2009 Julius von Bismarck, Benjamin Maus
Perpetual Storytelling Apparatus
A never ending comic of inventions
A drawing machine illustrating a never-ending story through the use of patent drawings.
2009 Abner Preis
The Lagoon
A storytelling adventure in the dark. Let the storyteller guide you through the dark, and pray for a happy ending!
Amsterdam Magazine
Engelstalig maandblad voor toeristen en expats in Amsterdam
Workshop is a new concept store that is part of the Arnhem Mode Biennale. Kortestraat 27 - Arnhem
Workshop is a new concept store that is part of the Arnhem Mode Biennale. Kortestraat 27 - Arnhem
Nederlandstalige weblog
GeenStijl is een Nederlandstalige weblog opgericht in april 2003.