Luis Fernandez
horse, giraffe, gnu, hairless newt and firefox too
software developer aspiring artist retired demoscener studied computer engineering then went on quiet and submissive professional practice for 10 years currently studying fine arts at grac freelance...
Ideas that Matter
To stimulate public discourse
Ideas that Matter produces a wide range of events to stimulate public discourse concentrating on issues related to cities, economies and the values of diversity, community and public good. Founded in...
Jane Jacobs
Urbanist and activist (1916–2006)
Skeleton. Devil. Butterfly. Leopard. Fairy. Princess. Jane Jacobs was an America-born Canadian activist, writer, urban theorist and independent thinker.
Christoph Raetzsch
[クリストフ レーチ]
Bergen Kunsthall
Bergen Biennial Conference
17Eyl 200920Eyl 2009As scholars and curators have recently acknowledged, the history of exhibitions is both one of the most vital and, paradoxically, ignored narratives of our cultural history. And given the increasing...
Hermitage Amsterdam
TEDx Amsterdam
20Kas 200920Kas 2009TED is a small nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. Since then its...
Femke Gerritsma
Master History and Theory of Modern and Contemporary Art, Universiteit Leiden. Graduated in 2007
Jan van Eyck Academie
Jan van Eyck
Call For Artists’ Application
The Jan van Eyck Academie, a post-academic institute for research and production in the fields of fine art, design, and theory has started taking applications, both for individual and collective...
Ankie Joos
5Eyl 200924Eki 2009Trapgat Expo opens with an installation of Mr. Sauli. The young media artist graduated at the Piet Zwart Institute in Media Design with Mimetrix. It researches our curent film- and visual culture and...
Bart Rogé
Reclames, hartstikke overbodig
Reclames waar zijn ze eigenlijk goed voor? Ze laten je weten wat er waar in de aanbieding is, maar wel met het doel dat je nog wat extra’s koopt in deze winkel. Dit gebeurt vaak doordat je met een...
Matt Locke
Commissioning Editor, Channel 4 Education
Matt Locke is Commissioning Editor for Education and New Media at Channel 4
Arjen Kok
Arjen Kok is Senior Researcher at the Netherlands Cultural Heritage Agency (Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed). Currently he is researching the phenomenon of ‘New Collecting’ (Het Nieuwe...
Centrum voor Hedendaagse Kunst
Ontstaan vanuit een do-it-your-self attitude, is het in 1995 opgerichte kunstenaarsinitiatief Hedah steeds trouw gebleven aan zijn oorspronkelijke doelstelling: het creëren van een autonome...
Groupmarriage in courtyard of SKOR
31Tem 2009The art manifestation My name is Spinoza, held this summer, offers artists, art and cultural institutions and members of the public a platform for a lively exploration of Spinoza’s thinking and the...
Petersburg project space
Videozomer in Petersburg Project Space
4Tem 200912Eyl 2009Voor de derde keer organiseert Petersburg Project Space een tentoonstelling in de semi-publieke ruimte. Uitgangspunt is de projectruimte en haar openheid: in het het midden van de ruimte hangt een...
Flavia Dzodan
Boredom: the desire for desires (Anna Karenina)
Founding partner of WeArt, living in Amsterdam via Buenos Aires. I spend time working all over Europe and the Middle East.
7Eyl 200911Eyl 2009Deze zomer organiseert WORM een workshop no-budget d-i-y feature filmmaking. Uiteraard met als einddoel een avondvullende speelfilm te maken.
Smart Project Space
Untitled ( )
14Tem 200925Ağs 2009Untitled ( ) is an exhibition and publication by Antonis Pittas. His work is a meditation on the subjective experience of time and the manner in which particular spaces become sites for...