Marijcke Voorsluijs
Flavia Dzodan
Boredom: the desire for desires (Anna Karenina)
Founding partner of WeArt, living in Amsterdam via Buenos Aires. I spend time working all over Europe and the Middle East.
Indie Inuit multimedia
IsumaTV (English as 'ThinkTV') is an independent interactive network of Inuit and Indigenous multimedia. IsumaTV uses the power and immediacy of the Web to bring people together to tell stories and...
Platform Spartak
Platform Spartak functions as a scene of young active European citizens, organzing cultural, social and intellectual projects together. As an open platform, everybody can become active for Spartak at...
Unima #2
15Tem 200915Tem 2009De stichtingen Impakt , Z25 en NetNiet.org organiseren gezamenlijk de tweede Utrechtse expert-meeting en netwerkavond voor de Utrechtse nieuwe media sector. Na een brede oriënterende avond over...
Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec
The Quebec National Library (in English) is still today one of Quebec’s most ambitious cultural projects, product of an international architectural competition, won by Patkau Architects, Vancouver
Saskia Jacobs-Beukers
Communication & PR professional at the Hortus botanicus Leiden, the oldest botanical garden of the Netherlands.
Annelies Wielaard
projecten, programma's en communicatie in kunst & cultuur
Annelies Wielaard houdt zich bezig met projecten, programma's en communicatie in kunst & cultuur. Ze werkte als communicatie- en marketingmedewerker o.a. voor cultuurtempel de Melkweg
Joost den Hartog
I'm executive director of the Australian International Documentary Conference (AIDC). AIDC programs debates, master classes and workshops on multi media integration in documentary. Currently we are...
Amber Case
Cyborg Anthropologist
I am a Cyborg Anthropologist who studies the interaction between humans and computers. I'm interested in how technology affects the way we think and communicate. Most of my research is public on...
News from Interaccess
Marieke Jissink
Johannes la Poutré
Creative Technologist
See my profile on linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/jlpoutre
Jacko Brinkman
Directeur Heden
Jacko Brinkman is directeur van Heden in Den Haag. Heden biedt toegang tot hedendaagse kunst door verhuur en verkoop van kunstwerken, het geven van kunstadvies aan particulieren en bedrijven, het...
Barbara Revelli
I work at Mediamatic as project developer. I studied Arts and Cinema in Italy and France and in the past years I worked in organizing conferences and other sort of events. Photography is my great...
28Mayıs 200930Eyl 2009For its second edition, OUT IN THE SUN / SUMMER IN ART CENTRES is providing a large range of art exhibitions and events in 43 French art centres. Throughout the whole summer, from 28th May to 30th...
Trivial Pursuits: Mass Distraction
10Tem 200915Ağs 2009InterAccess 9th Annual Emerging Artist exhibition 2009, about how social media induces distraction, which reveals itself in new media art
This is like – associative knowledge network
Find people, places, things, and events that are "like" each other.
It was great to find Mediamatic because it's one of the few websites out there that evaded categories and uses associative structure to help people navigate through content. ThisIsLike.Com is using...
Dmitry Paranyushkin
aka DeeMeeTree
Performance artist and web entrepreneur from Russia based in Berlin.