Duffe Dude
Thomas Schmall
making videogames, painting stuff
Joost van Bennekom
who am I, what will I be? what does it matter? try everything in life and make your own choice, be independent, don't buy the stories they tell that is what is all about open your heart and look with...
Who presented at the Beauty Parlours?
17 January Beauty Parlour # 1 : Kick Off - George Beentjes - Interesting applications of injectables , www.mandragora.nl - Katja Novitskova - Introduction on self representation , del.icio.us...
Beauty Parlour
In the Spring of 2008 almost every Thursday evening was dedicated to public research meetings called Beauty Parlours...
ik ik ik! (me me me!)
User generated dressups
ikikik! (me me me!) was an exhibition about Do-it-Yourself Fashion and showing yourself on the net. Ik!Ik!Ik! is part of a series about Identity and Self-representation on the Internet. From July 18...
Claudia Korpádi
performance: Mediamatic Post CS Katja Sokolova, Irina Birger
Russian Roulette
2Şub 2008Beautiful Russian ladies couldn't wait to meet you. It was a great party with DJ Goldfinger and the Moscow Disco and ten Russian women from Amsterdam to date with.
Mediamatic Post CS
Self Representation Kick Off
17Oca 200817Oca 2008Beauty Parlour was a public meeting in preparation of a ikikik! (mememe!). ikikik! was an exhibition about self-representation on the net. Instead of shopping all day long just to find the perfect...
Els Gillisjans
graphic designer from Brussels/Belgium, dreamer
exhibition: Mediamatic Post CS
Gastarbeider Dating
30Oca 200816Mar 2008Looking for a new friendship, cultural dipping or creative impulse? Curious about other people and cultures? Then Gastarbeider (Immigrant) Dating was something for you! From January 27th to the 16th...
jos schuring
Ik houd me bezig met journalistiek en marketing in de podiumkunsten. Ik schrijf voor Het Financieele Dagblad, Haarlems Dagblad, De Kracht van Cultuur en ben eindredacteur van een tijdschrift over...
Workshop Archive
Designing Hybrid Wearables
19Şub 200821Şub 2008In this action-packed three days, we'll look at clothes and jewelry and their potential as personal mobile platforms for social interaction. This is one of the first workshops in Europe around the...
Mannie Krak
Kunstenares: Haar werk bestaat voornamelijk uit video- en electrische (geluids)installaties.
film: Mediamatic Post CS Inge Willems, Guerrilla Interviews
Het hele verhaal achter de schotelsticker
Prijswinnaars verklaren hun succes
De mannen van concept studio The White Room aan het woord over het winnende ontwerp.
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
¿Adónde vas?
1Ara 20079Mar 2008Onder de titel '¿Adónde vas?' presenteert Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen een selectie uit het rijke en gevarieerde oeuvre van de Spaanse kunstenares Dora Dolz.
Anna Paap
Onno Bakker
Enzo producties
nieuwgierig, altijd maar weer nieuwsgierig. Naar verhalen, wat mensen belangrijk vinden, waarvan ze onder de indruk zijn, schoonheid, extase, afschuw.
Vaat–i–Maatjes publiekslieveling
Hollands en Arabisch op z'n huiselijkst
Tijdens de Museumnacht konden de bezoekers van El HEMA stemmen op de inzendingen van de Ontwerpwedstijd die Mediamatic organiseerde. De vaatwashandschoenen met handbeschildering in Arabiserende stijl...
Louise Berg
filmmaker, photographer
Swedish independent documentary filmmaker and photographer. Studied at the University of Arts in Berlin 1999-2004. Works as a trainer assistent at Mediamatics workshops in interaktive films and...
Marijn de Vries Hoogerwerff
Marijn de Vries Hoogerwerff is a new media theorist, Web researcher and Internet entrepreneur. In 1999 he started working as IT professional at the broadband Internet Service Provider @home (a...
Indra Silar
Voice me and more stuff
at the moment i am experimenting more with the media of good old fashioned Printmaking. seems to open up my mind for new compositions and ideas to other media's.