Dick Elffers
A Dutch artist.
Galerie Fons Welters
Galerie Fons Welters, located in the heart of the Amsterdam gallery district, opened its doors in 1988. Fons Welters' primary aim is to start working with artists in an early stage in their...
book: Steiner, George 1 Oca 1989
Real Presences
Is there anything in what we say?
"Real Presences" argues that any understanding of the nature of language is based on the assumption of God's presence, and discusses the influence of this on literary criticism.
Jim Harter
Collage artist and painter who has wandered the world in search of enlightenment and images.
Banff Centre for the Arts
Arts in the bush
The Banff Centre is a globally respected arts, cultural, and educational institution and conference facility located in Banff, Alberta, Canada.
magazine: Paul Foss 1 Oca 1981
Art & Text
One of the landmark contemporary art magazines of the 1980s and 1990s.
book: Irina Antonova 1 Oca 1996
Berlin Moskau 1900-1950
A wide-ranging investigation of the significant artistic exchanges between Berlin and Moscow during the first half of the 20th century.
Irina Antonova
Antonova has been Director of the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow since 1961, making her the oldest director of a major art museum in the world.
Hema Worstje
Send down to planet Earth to please people. All they have to do is say please.
Linda Pijnacker
Raymond Frenken
V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media
Test_Lab: Happiness
10Tem 2008Test_Lab is a bimonthly public event, organised by V2_, Institute for the Unstable Media, that provides an informal setting for the demonstration, testing, presentation, and discussion of artistic...
de Cultuurwerf
podiumkunsten / beeldende kunsten / popcultuur
De Cultuurwerf Vlissingen verzorgt een ruim aanbod in exposities, events, kunstuitleen, popconcerten en dance nights, theater-, muziek- en cabaretvoorstellingen alsook het theater en kunstfestival...
Mediamatic Post CS
Distributed Library
28Oca 200829Oca 2008Mediamatic gave away all its books. We distributed our library in protest to skimpy Dutch art funding policy making practices. The way it's going, we won't be able to take care of our library...
Prints & The Revolution Expo
19Haz 20083Tem 2008370m2 betaalbare kunst in een leegstaande garage! Ceintuurbaan 250, Amsterdam Join the Revolutionary non-Arty-Farty-Party at the opening on Thursday the 19th at 17.00hrs.
Anna van Leeuwen
auteur / recensent / redacteur
auteur, recensent, redacteur voor: Kunstbeeld, All About Art + Scenery, Hard//Hoofd
De Appel
Codex Spero
21Haz 2008Nancy Spero geldt als een van de belangrijkste kunstenaars van haar generatie. De tentoonstelling "Spero Speaks", omvat exemplarische werken uit verschillende fasen van Spero's lange...
SM's - Stedelijk Museum 's-Hertogenbosch
This is what you want...this is what you get
18Haz 20086Tem 2008De in Duitsland geboren en in Rotterdam wonende Anne Wenzel maakt installaties en beelden van keramiek. Haar werk bestaat uit grote beelden die steeds weer op een verrassende, nieuwe wijze worden...
In Andy Holden’s show the question is asked as to how dead things can convey the life of an experience. Kunstfort Vijfhuizen
The World is Round and Mr Wrigley Makes Chewing…
15Haz 200824Ağs 2008For the summer exhibition of Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen, curator Mark Kremer has invited the English artist Andy Holden. Holdens show at the fortress borrows its title from an essay by Aldous Huxley.
15Haz 200810Ağs 2008Exploring the concepts such as hidden and revealed, visible and invisible, public and private around the on-going contemporary discussions on the veil, the show tries to unfold several differing...
Erica Baltimore
fine art photographer,fashion,theater, dance performances. I make images of people in staged environments with a narrative character I draw my inspiration from my own reminiscene,fashion,film,theater
Graduation Exhibition Sculpture
25Haz 20081Tem 2008During this week the graduate presentation of the ArtEZ Academy will take place.
If I Can't Dance Tonight
1Oca 200831Ara 2008If I Can't Dance Tonight is a new, monthly series of events, offering an eclectic programme of performances, mini expo’s, conversations with artists, film screenings, readings, music and perhaps
Presence of Mind
20Haz 200820Eyl 2008The Stedelijk Museum regularly invites artists to present a choice of works from the collection, coloured by their own artistic vision. The presentation is invariably linked to a new acquisition. In...