Mediamatic Post CS
Distributed Library
28Oca 200829Oca 2008Mediamatic gave away all its books. We distributed our library in protest to skimpy Dutch art funding policy making practices. The way it's going, we won't be able to take care of our library...
Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
Andrea Crews opening performance
18Tem 200818Tem 2008This night was a night of fashion, art, activism and performance with artists, stylists, video directors, DJ's, happenings and video clips by Andrea Crews .... at the opening of Me! Me! Me! Fashion.
Andrea crews
Fashion — art — activism
Andrea Crews combines several aspects of the contemporary creation. Between art and fashion, it presents and stages its collections as performances, happening, or video clip, creating multiple events...
exhibition: Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
18Tem 20085Eki 2008ikikik! (me me me!) was all about DIY Fashion and showing yourself on the internet. An exhibition / upcycling / catwalking / photoshoot / coworking and storysharing fest that made you feel & look...
Creative Research Lab: Platform21 toonde van 2006 t/m 2009 creatieve onwikkelingen die nieuwsgierig maken naar de toekomst
Een oude, ronde kapel in Amsterdam Zuid is ons publiek design laboratorium. Hier organiseren wij tentoonstellingen, lezingen en events. Design is voor ons een vehikel om te dromen over de toekomst.
realiteit en virtualiteit Dewi Pinatih
Club Real #2
6Haz 2008Wat hebben 'Hacking Reality', 'Doodlearth', 'GPS Drawing' en 'WiiJ-en' met elkaar te maken? Kom naar de club en check het zelf. Vrijdag 6 juni, 20.00 uur bij Platform21 in Amsterdam.
party: Mediamatic Post CS
Parking Lot Party
6Haz 20086Haz 2008The Parking Lot Party was a music marathon with performances by Byungjun Kwon, Nanko, JS Lach, Keir Neuringer / Rafal Mazur, the band Sightings ("Guitar, bass and drums reconfigured for a new purpose"...
Lex Slaghuis
Hack de Overheid en Apps for Amsterdam
Lex Slaghuis is de oprichter van Wikiwise en Hack de Overheid , waarmee hij langzaam maar zeker de wereld zal veranderen
University of Brighton David Rogerson
Expo Unconference
4Haz 20084Haz 2008Date: Friday 4th July Expo Unconference is about discussing ideas about and around sonic art. By ‘sonic art’ we mean anything that uses sound with artistic intent. We're looking for people to...
Architects, philosophers, Brussel / Rotterdam
Nog nooit werd in Nederland zo veel expliciet sociaal geëngageerde kunst gemaakt als vandaag. Maar hoe effectief is deze kunst? In het pamflet Too Active To Act toont Bavo, twee Vlaamse...
Piet Zwart Institute at Kunstvlaai
14Mayıs 200818Mayıs 2008Every day, one or two different artists from Piet Zwart Institute present their work in a series of individual statements at Kunstvlaai . The presentations reflect the diversity of the institute:...
doung anwar jahangeer
architecturewithoutwalls: the art of space making
Maria Lalou
polyrythmic realities - hybrid space of object to thought
Pim Peterse
Kallen is mallen en doen is een ding
Creative director @zark, programmer new media & video for Robodock Festival, video artist, sound artist, creative writer, moderator of net-art.org.
Jim Bowes
I am the owner of a couple of sustainable communication businesses. I attended the Urban Typography course in April and left very inspired. Feel free to contact me if you have anything you would like to talk about.
How to make a Sorry movie.
1. Get your camera, use your webcam, take you mobile and say: 'I am sorry'. 2. Publish the film on Youtube , and/or on Vimeo , Myspace or any place 3. Call your film Fitna Sorry Geert Wilders 4. Add...
"popular culture no longer applies to me" ...
Esther Masemann
just created my own pice of web :)
Normally based in Berlin – Kreuzberg – but at the moment traveling around to find interesting work and nice spots to stay – by doing that I come along some good people, work and inspiration – always...
Sander Hermsen
Fitna the movie
I am sorry
Fitna the movie from Geert Wilders on Vimeo .
Un-imagining Utopia
6Mar 2008Joining up the dots between Purple Haze and Prozac, the love-in and the rave, the commune and the gating of communities, this performative mixed media presentation explores the legacy of the US 60s...
Ze Moo
Metagypsy Primce Artist I-J ( Information-Jockey, Identity Jockey, Illusion Jockey) Old-Media, Now
PLANETART Willemsparkweg
jonathan knauft
Nicole van Leeuwen
not an artist *