book: Le Corbusier 1 Oca 1978

Le Corbusier

Towards a new architecture

A canonical collection of essays written by Le Corbusier (Charles-Edouard Jeanneret), advocating for and exploring the concept of modern architecture.

This book has a lasting effect on the architectural profession, serving as a manifesto for a generation of architects, although it was a subject of hatred for others. However, it is unquestionably a critical piece of architectural theory. The book contains seven essays, all but one of which were published in the magazine L'esprit Nouveau beginning in 1921. Each essay dismisses contemporary trends as eclecticism and art deco. Le Corbusier replaces these trends with architecture that was meant to be more than a stylistic experiment, rather, the architecture would be one that fundamentally change how humans interact with buildings. This demanded a rebirth of architecture based on function and a new aesthetic based on pure form.
The English language translation of the book has also been a source of controversy in regards to its change of style and very specific alterations to the text. The alterations have generated criticism and required correction, even as some of them began to define architectural language.


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