Denisse Iglesias
I am a Mexican girl, studying Media Art in Portugal. I am generally happy and curious. I really love this "mediamatic" network. :)
platform for young creatives
Streetlab is a Dutch platform dedicated to young artists such as fashion designers, photographers, illustrators and graphic designers. Streetlab nurtures young talents and stimulates the development...
Previously on view in the Amsterdam Biennale: Pedro Meyer
Rio de Janeiro Pavilion
Transvestite Bathroom (girl from Rio)
Curator Pedro Meyer presents the Rio de Janeiro pavilion at the Amsterdam Biennale 2009 at Mediamatic. His pavilion opened on the 12th of December during the Standing Room Only Party. On view until 3...
Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS joop de Boer, Jeroen Beekmans
Pecha Kucha Night Amsterdam #12
20Oca 201020Oca 2010The Japanese term 'Pecha Kucha' roughly translates as chit-chat or irritating chatter. As a happy crossbreed between an elevator pitch and speed dating, Pecha Kucha Night will present 12 participants...
Het blauwe huis
Blue Printing
1Ara 200931Ara 2009Op 29 mei 2005 ging Het Blauwe Huis van start als plek voor het ongeplande, het nog niet gedachte. Een tijdelijk project tijdens de beginperiode van de Amsterdamse wijk IJburg. In 4,5 jaar hebben er...
atom seven
human being
...i will wait for someone to write a short introduction about myself.
Studio Elmo Vermijs
Architectural Projects
Studio Elmo Vermijs werkt op het scheidingsvlak van beeldende kunst, vormgeving en architectuur. De studio ontwerpt en realiseert architectonische objecten.
Winkelcentrum Polderplein joop de Boer, Jeroen Beekmans
Pecha Kucha on the Road
28Kas 2009On Saturday (November 28) we will be organizing a very special Pecha Kucha on the Road at the annual art festival of Haarlemmermeer. Theme of the festival is sustainability, but Pecha Kucha is just.
Jean Jaques Duvall
Femke Haccou
matt jones
I'm a designer from London, with a small design company called BERG berglondon.com I trained as an architect, worked at Nokia, the BBC, co-founded Dopplr.com and have been working on the web for 15...
Henriët Hoekstra
Els ten Napel
Laressa Mulder
Leon Muilwijk
Essayistic Experiences
Working on Freezpace, an extension of Zinzones©: lifesaving experiences and mobile architecture in (un)common spaces, in coproduction with a diversity of communities, artists and organizations. The...
Adriaan Reinink
projectleader improvisation festival 2012, the hague
artistic & bussiness producer in the performing arts: organising and programming the city wide ALL TOGETHER NOW (FESTIVAL ON IMPROVISATION) 2012 in THE HAGUE & creating opportunities at the Royal...
Maria Rigter
Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
Pop Quiz
20Kas 200920Kas 2009Welcome to the Jungle. We got Fun 'n' and Games. Play the Pop Quiz. Your hosts for tonight are Roos and Alex.
Simulacrum Journal October 2009 Privé ; for your…
A glimpse beyond the interstice- separating the public and private domain Donna Wolf
One often wonders, where the public domain stops and the private domain begins. Throughout history, the line of demarcation between public and private space has captured the fascination of artists.
exhibition space for new work
Arcadeworks is dedicated to the production of new work and in particular to art concerned with techological objects and collecting. Exhibitions take the form of site specific installations...
matthew verdon
Artist living and working in London. Studying MFA at Goldsmiths College.
Erik Kersten
Webcurator at NAi. Interested in all culture related webdevelopment.
Majestic violence of light
6Kas 200929Kas 2009For the inaugural exhibition at Arcadeworks, two artists, Nabil Ahmed and Pol Mclernon place a discourse on blindness by suspending the books of the Old Testament in braille in the shared premises of...
Vlaams Cultuurhuis De Brakke Grond
9Kas 2009Op maandag 9 november a.s. betreedt Dick van Gameren het podium in de Brakke Grond.