Societeit Baby
Last Minutes
10Haz 2001Van de ruimte naar de Noordpool, via Griekenland naar Suriname. Een salon met internationale projecten en persoonlijke reisleiders.
Kinderopvang 'in transition'
Ouderparticipatiecrèches als volwaardig alternatief
Ouders willen graag het beste voor hun kind. Maar een buitenschoolse opvang is vaak duur, groot en onpersoonlijk. Wat nou als er een groep ouders is die samen bereid zijn voor elkaars kinderen te...
Mans Lamers
Mans Lamers is a Personal Assistant at the Female Economy Foundation and the Zina platform. Both were founded by playwright Adelheid Roosen. Mans is also active at Javatas, an initiative in Amsterdam...
Meike Hamelink
Meike Hamelink is founder of metMik.nl and co-founder of Javatas. 'My city Amsterdam-Oost, is far more attractive then most people know. metMik.nl is a hyper local consumer platform, and a marketing...
Sophie Uijterschout
Sophie Uijterschout has her own Event and Project Management company, Soof Events. She also runs the website metMik.nl, a platform for entrepreneurs and occupants in Amsterdam-Oost. She helps and...
KJO Training Mediamatic Fabriek
Social Media Strategy
19Tem 2013LET OP! Deze training is al geweest. Klik hier voor ons huidige programmaoverzicht om te zien wanneer de volgende Social Media Strategy training plaatsvindt. De opkomst van sociale netwerken...
Amsterdam Transition Town# 6
Pakhuis de Zwijger besteedt aanstaande woensdag aandacht aan ouderparticipatie kinderopvang. Mediamatic is ook uitgenodigd om over het BSO-project te vertellen.
Stad van de Toekomst
20Haz 201327Eki 2013In deze tentoonstelling wordt onderzocht hoe stadsbewoners oplossingen kunnen bedenken voor actuele, wereldwijde problemen in steden. Hierbij kan gedacht worden aan klimaatverandering, het tekort aan...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Opening party at the Tostifabriek
15Haz 2013Thanks to patrons, farmers, neighbors and volunteers, the Tostifabriek is running at full speed. The first tosti's will be harvested in September. Until that time we'll be taking care of the animals
Amsterdam Roest
Warehouse Weekender Market
15Haz 2013Roest & Kimchi nodigen de meest originele partijen uit om hun waar tentoon te stellen. Ontwerpers met een neus voor nieuwe smaken, brouwers met originele biertjes en jonge entrepreneurs met...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Weekend at the Favela
29Haz 201330Haz 2013Every Saturday and Sunday Mediamatic Fabriek was opened for workshops, food and other events. From 13:00 to 18:00 and sometimes later, you could drop by, rummage around, participate, watch, eat
Mediamatic Fabriek
Weekend at the Favela
22Haz 2013Mediamatic Fabriek was open every Saturday and Sunday for workshops, food and other events. From 13:00 to 18:00 and sometimes later, you were free to drop by, rummage around, participate, watch, eat
Mediamatic Fabriek
Weekend at the Favela
15Haz 201316Haz 2013Every Saturday and Sunday Mediamatic Fabriek was opened for workshops, food and other events. From 13:00 to 18:00 and sometimes later, you could drop by, rummage around, participate, watch, eat
Mediamatic Fabriek
Weekend at the Favela
8Haz 20139Haz 2013Every Saturday and Sunday Mediamatic Fabriek was opened for workshops, food and other events. From 13:00 to 18:00 and sometimes later, you could drop by, rummage around, participate, watch, eat
Mediamatic Fabriek
Favelous Presents: The Builders Dinner
7Haz 20138Haz 2013The Builders Dinner was presented in cooperation with performers Luciënne Venner & Kim de Weijer, who served the food using building tools. On the menu was: spicy chicken skewers, pearl barley...
Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen
Dag van de Architectuur
22Tem 201323Tem 2013Met een programma rond de finissage van tentoonstelling Stellingname sluit het Kunstfort aan bij het thema '24 UUR ARCHITECTUUR', tijdens de landelijke Dag van de Architectuur op 22 en 23 juni 2013.
Mediamatic Fabriek
Weekend at the Favela
1Haz 2013Every Saturday and Sunday Mediamatic Fabriek was opened for workshops, food and other events. From 13:00 to 18:00 and sometimes later, you could drop by, rummage around, participate, watch, eat
Mediamatic Fabriek
Favelous Presents: Classic Italian Dinner
31Mayıs 20131Haz 2013Andrea Sossi, the Italian chef of Favelous, showed how it's supposed to be done. On the menu was: Vitello Tonnato, Lingione al Pesto (an authentic Genua recipe with potatoes and green beens...
Melt Ice cream factory
Popsicles in crazy shapes
In and around a colorful pop-up wagon we, Leonie and Eva, sell our crazy shaped popsicles. And we don't just sell them, we design and produce the ice cream as well. We design popsicles in all kinds...
Vegan Sundays
Vegan cooking workshops with local products
In Alexander's cooking workshops you prepare a vegan menu, inspired on different cultures using locally grown vegetables. Organic, unprocessed food. Next to that, Alexander, a cook and choreographer
Mediamatic Fabriek
Slum Sessions #25
28Mayıs 2013The Freezing Favela was a temporary city at Mediamatic Fabriek, Oostenburg Amsterdam. A group of designers, cooks and other makers had occupied a part of Mediamatic's space in the Van Gendthallen.
Mediamatic Fabriek
Favelous presents: Naughty Cuisine
24Mayıs 2013Favelous was working together with its neighbors from the White Trash Liquor Factory to prepare a menu in which various liquors take center stage. They prepared a menu with ricotta & gin ravioli
Mediamatic Fabriek
Slum Sessions #24
21Mayıs 2013The Freezing Favela was a temporary city at Mediamatic Fabriek, Oostenburg Amsterdam. A group of designers, cooks and other makers occupied part of Mediamatic's space in the Van Gendthallen. Every...
Bijeenkomst voor DIY-ouders #2
Voorbereidingen worden getroffen voor het opzetten van een kinderopvang
Terwijl de regen hard op (en door) de daken kletterde werd in de Fabriek plannen beraamd voor het zelf beginnen van het kinderopvang.