Het moet maar eens afgelopen zijn met die rommel Robert Pennekamp
Maak wat moois van al die rotzooi
13Eyl 2008Ik ben kunstenaar en buurtbewoner van Amsterdam Oost Watergraafsmeer. Voor mijn deur ligt iedere dag grof vuil, omdat ik voor een ophaal punt van grof vuil woon. Grof vuil is een algemeen probleem
Persbericht 25 juni 2008 Tweede Kamer
Nooit meer El HEMA?
26Haz 2008Amsterdam 25 juni 2008 — Het voortbestaan van Mediamatic is in gevaar. Voor de instelling die vorig jaar nog zoveel succes oogstte met El HEMA, dreigt een onbedoelde subsidiekorting van 437.000 euro.
book: James Katz, Ronald Rice 1 Eyl 2002
Social Consequences of Internet Use
Acces, Involvement and Interaction
Drawing on nationally representative telephone surveys conducted from 1995 to 2000, James Katz and Ronald Rice offer a rich and nuanced picture of Internet use in America.
book: Katie Salen, Erich Zimmerman 1 Ara 2005
The Game Design Reader
A Rules of Play Anthology
The Game Design Reader is a one-of-a-kind collection on game design and criticism, from classic scholarly essays to cutting-edge case studies.
Pakhuis de Zwijger
Freelance Friday
1Oca 200831Ara 2008CCAA en Mediamatic nodigen je uit om langs te komen op de Freelance Friday: de Open CI BBQ in Pakhuis De Zwijger. Willem Velthoven, oprichter en directeur van Mediamatic, zal tijdens de Freelance...
Aditya Pawar
for the love of art and design
book: David Rothenberg 1 Oca 1995
Wild Ideas
Wild Ideas is a collection of essays that brings a fresh and refreshing perspective to the wilderness paradoxically at the center of our civilization.
book: Darren Sheppard 22 Tem 1997
On Jean-Luc Nancy
The Sense of Philosophy
This is the first book to consider the increasing importance of Jean-Luc Nancy's work, which has influenced key thinkers such as Jacques Derrida.
Max Silverman
book: John A. Walker 1 Oca 1987
Art in the age of mass media
Can art survive in an age of mass media? If so, in what forms and to what purpose? And can radical art still play a critical role in today's divided world?
Tom Vermulst
book: Michele White 1 Haz 2006
The Body and the Screen
Theories of Internet Spectatorship
In The Body and the Screen Michele White suggests that users can more properly be understood as spectators rendered and regulated by technologies and representations, for whom looking and the...
film: Programmeerbare lego/Remko Scha, Willem Velthoven, Peter Luining, Stagecast, Remko Scha, Sander Kessels, ZEBRA, Pieter van der Ploeg, Stagecast, Dick Rijken 1 Oca 1999
Workshop 3
Auteur van gedrag
film: Hoekstra, Korrie 1 Oca 2000
Cursus presenteren
John Colette 1 Oca 1994
30 words for the city
30 Words for the City is an ambitious attempt to put sound and vision together in the form of an interactive book. The opening screen for John Colette’s new CD-ROM contains rows of thumbnail images
book: Richard Dienst 1 Oca 1994
Still life in Real Time
Theory after television
Dienst explores the challenge television has posed for contemporary theories of culture, technology, and media.
Art Metropole
Artist-run center for contemporary art in multiple formats
Art Metropole was founded by the Canadian artists collective General Idea as a non-profit artist-run archive and distribution agency for artists' publications and other materials.
Federico Fellini
Federico Fellini, Knight Grand Cross, was an Italian film director and scriptwriter. Known for a distinct style that blends fantasy and baroque images, he is considered one of the most influential...
Stichting Cinedans
Interactive dance film lectures
30Haz 200830Haz 2008Together with the Cinedans Festival, Mediamatic presented a hands-on workshop on interactive dance film with a focus on interactive film installations. The first day with lectures was open to a...
15Haz 200810Ağs 2008Exploring the concepts such as hidden and revealed, visible and invisible, public and private around the on-going contemporary discussions on the veil, the show tries to unfold several differing...
Rotterdamse Schouwburg
Slapen met je buren
21Haz 200822Haz 2008In opdracht van Kosmopolis creëert Aziz Bekkaoui met de Rotterdamse wijken Kralingen en Crooswijk een theater event in de Rotterdamse schouwburg. Aziz wil "Slapen met je buren" gebruiken als een...
If I Can't Dance Tonight
1Oca 200831Ara 2008If I Can't Dance Tonight is a new, monthly series of events, offering an eclectic programme of performances, mini expo’s, conversations with artists, film screenings, readings, music and perhaps
Arn van der Pluijm
I am an industrial designer working in the field of man-city interaction.
Herdenkings bijeenkomst Nan Hoover
20Haz 2008There will be a small commemoration meeting held for Nan.