exhibition: Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
'Me trane gaan overal'
8Nis 201110Nis 2011‘Me trane gaan overal: The Dushi Kimberley Experience’ took place on April 9 and 10. Opening party was on Friday April 8. The exhibition offered a unique insight into the life of Rotterdam based...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Radiant Picnic Party
4Mar 2012We've filled up our picnic baskets, packed our most colorful towel and went to a summer party on Sunday March 4. In addition to the exhibition Radiant Beach, we had a blast in the warmth of the...
Sugar Factory
Bladenbal 2012
13Mar 2012The New Beatnix Generation organiseert 13 maart alweer voor de achtste keer het Bladenbal, voor de eerste keer in de Sugar!
Storm Galerie
16Mar 2012New location, new exposition and third anniversary.. Triple reason for an event! With dj's E.T. and RDJ, jazztrumpettist Machiel Scholder, saxophone player Frank Kylstra and poet/actress Lineke la...
Succesfull or useless
Gimmick! is a book by famous dutch autor Joost Zwagerman which he wrote in 1989. This book represents the world of a small group of succesfull artists living in Amsterdam in the glamorous 80s.
Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
Over Datum Eetclub 21
20Şub 2012Tijdens twintig edities van Over Datum Eetclub bereidden eetgasten vorig jaar met steeds weer een andere topkok heerlijke maaltijden van over datum producten. Zembla maakt een reportage over...
Van Gendthallen
Schommelclub Party: Push Me Tender
18Şub 2012We celebrated the closing of the Schommelclub with a weekend of partying. Costumes and cotton candy with the whole family on Sunday, but first a performance on Saturday afternoon, and some serious...
Fenix Loods 1, Veerlaan 9 -13 Katendrecht, Rotterdam
Spaghetti Forever
10Şub 2012A gastronomic ritual by Giuseppe Licari at RAW Art Fair
Cigdem Ozcelik
Trainee Kom je ook?/ Hoofd Turks- Nederlandse betrekkingen
Hi I'm Cigdem! I grew up in a small village (Bovenkarspel) up in the North of Holland. After graduating from High School I have decided not to marry a hansom dutch farmer but to study Interior...
Fitna the Movie
We’re tired of waiting. So, let’s do it ourselves! Sorry!
There is this not-so-intelligent Dutch politician that attracts attention by doing populist provocations. His name is Wilders. Geert Wilders. He is scared of aliens and especially of muslim aliens.
Mediamatic Fabriek, Van Gendthallen
Schommelclub Party: Carnival
19Şub 2012We celebrated the closing of the Schommelclub with a weekend of partying. An airy performance took place on Saturday afternoon, and in the evening it was all about playful music and experimental...
2 april 2008
El HEMA on the Road
Kosmopolis adopteert El HEMA
De tentoonstelling en winkel El HEMA reist in 2008 met Kosmopolis door Nederland. Het multimediale platform Kosmopolis maakte vandaag bekend dat zij de El HEMA adopteert. De El HEMA is in mei te zien...
Theater Frascati en de Brakke Grond
Something Raw
14Şub 201218Şub 2012De elfde editie van het internationale dans- en performancefestival Something Raw vindt plaats van dinsdag 14 februari tot en met zaterdag 18 februari 2012. Frascati en Vlaams Cultuurhuis de Brakke...
Elaine Groenestein
She cooks, and eats. And she is me.
Mediamatic Fabriek
Schommel het nieuwe jaar in met Mediamatic
9Oca 2012Onze nieuwjaarsreceptie in stijl 2012. Kaalslag en nieuwe kansen. Geen verwarming en geen toespraak. Wel warme soep en wel kunst. Natalia Dominguez Rangel componeerde voor de enorme ruimte in de Van...
Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS Matthew Caruana Galizia
Pecha Kucha Amsterdam # 9
22Nis 200922Nis 2009The patented system to avoid death by PowerPoint came to Amsterdam for the ninth time, bringing with it the very good, the mediocre, and the clueless. Pecha Kucha, Japanese for ‘the sound of...
Happy Hackers on PICNIC 08
1Oca 200831Ara 2008Hackers Camp Day 7. In the 5 days preceding PICNIC, an annual crossmedia conference in Amsterdam, Mediamatic organized the Social RFID Hackerscamp . A group of excellent coders, designers and...
Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
Arcade SUPER
3 months of gaming at Mediamatic
Mediamatic's exhibition space was transformed into a full-blown arcade. The expanding collection of old and new games consisted of interactive installations, video arcade machines, consoles
Mediamatic Fabriek
Opening Mediamatic Schommelclub
24Ara 2011In een grote fabriekshal hangen zes schommels aan een achttien meter hoge dakconstructie. Mediamatic stelt de monumentale Van Gendthallen die al jaren leegstaan weer open voor het publiek en opent de...
Ik hou van vieren
stop raining please
a newbie in Amsterdam. show me where the fun is.