How much do we waste, and how much is that costing us?
A third of all food produced annually is thrown away or lost. This amounts to around 1,3 billion ton each year. Annually the average Dutch citizen wastes 50 kilos of food. That's about 110 pounds.
From the Farm to the Fridge
The wasteful cycles of the food supply chain
1.3 billion tons of edible parts of food produced for human consumption gets lost or wasted globally every year! With simultaneous global food shortages and wasteful overproduction of crops, there...
Pleidooi voor de herinvoering van boerenverstand
De zin en onzin van 'tenminste houdbaar tot'
Persoonlijk ben ik van mening dat de huidige regelgeving op het gebied van voedselveiligheid absoluut gerechtvaardigd is. De perikelen rond EHEC, met melamine versneden melk, antivries in...
Edible Resistance
Over Datum Eetclub spurs resistance from the personal to the political
As a part of the Piece de Resistance exhibition, the resistance inherent in eating food bordering on the line of the government sanctioned definition between ‘food’ and ‘waste’ is both personal and...