Slum Session #18

Presence and activities

2 Nis 2013

The Freezing Favela is becoming a beautiful place, but to make it more dynamic we should organize workshops and activities. Maybe a favela feest? At Tuesday evening, April 2th we talked about that with soup in our new favelous restaurant.


Lunch at favelous - This picture was taken at Mediamatic Fabriek. favelous the Freezing Favela's open restaurant platform. Erik Diekstra

Freezing Favela

Freezing Favela is a small city within Mediamatic Fabriek. Builders, cooks and other makers have been given the possibility to claim a part of the big industrial hall as their own. They work on their projects autonomously, but like in any other community, materials, space and functions have to be shared. Favela citizens are making tostis from scratch, paper from cow shit, furniture from cardboard, and food from our very own aquaponics farm. And everyone is welcome to contribute. Build this city with us.

More information

Location: Mediamatic Fabriek, VOC-kade 10-12, Oostenburg Amsterdam. We're open every Wednesday and Sunday afternoon from 14h till 17h. Entrance: free with membership (€5,- for 4 weeks). Children half price.