Favelous presents: Fish 'n fish dinner

Mussels, mackerel and more

10 Mayıs 2013

Last Friday and Saturday we celebrated our slippery friends. Starting with a Venetian mousse of dried codfish, it was on to mussels au gratin, mackerel filet from the oven, and sepia risotto. Desert was a (fish-free) limoncello bavarois.


Andrea Sossi - Cleo Thomas


More information

Favelous was the Freezing Favela's pop-up canteen, run by Andrea Sossi and Robert Bochove. They serve honest, seasonal, affordable food and host workshops.

Freezing Favela

Freezing Favela was a temporary city at Mediamatic Fabriek. The space is big, unheated, and the roof leaks. Designers, cooks, and other makers had claimed part of this space as their own. In the Favela you could make tosti's from scratch, bricks from old newspaper, furniture from cardboard, and cook with ingredients from the aquaponics farm. Favela-citizens gave workshops and organized events and meals.