Ignite Amsterdam 18

12 presentations x 5 minutes

30 Mayıs 2012

The twelve speakers strutting their stuff in May 2012 ranged from architects to beer brewers, and from researchers to TV-hosts. Presenting films, visual art, urban design concepts and food, and a crash course into the notorious hackers group Anonymous.


Audience chats at Ignite - Taken during Ignite Amsterdam 18. Simone Schoutens


Ignite is run by locals, for locals. Fast-paced and merciless, Ignite evenings are fun, thought-provoking nights, full of fresh ideas and clever insights. Speakers get five minutes to present their idea. They make use of twenty slides that auto-advance every fifteen seconds. Ignite serves as a platform for locals to connect offline and have a drink together. All presentations will be given in English.



Maarten Koek

Maarten is a furniture designer and visual artist. He graduated from the Utrecht School of the Arts (HKU) in 2011 and has since been working on a series of cardboard kinetic sculptures, which he'll tell us more about.


Teun Castelein - Teun presented Halbe Bier and explained how a beer is going to save the arts. At Ignite Amsterdam 18. Speaking about Halbe Bier: het bier dat de kunstsector zal gaan redden. At Ignite 18 Simone Schoutens

Michiel Hilbrink

Michiel's Incomplete Encyclopedic Mountain (Onvolledige encyclopedische berg) was nominated for the 2011 Rietveld Thesis Award. The work explored the role mountains have played in the arts. Michiel is also the graphic designer behind the new online magazine GUTmag.


Lado Darakhvelidze - The initiator of Museum TV Station speaking at Ignite Amsterdam 18. Simone Schoutens

Alrik Koudenburg

As a designer Alrik creates all-round experiences. He's joining us to talk about the cardboard office he designed for Nothing, the design he made for a tent in a tree (boomtent / Tree Tent), and other nice goodies he's been working on.


Hans Crijns - Hans presented the GrowGuard at Ignite Amsterdam 18 . Simone Schoutens

With: Hans Crijns

Hans Crijns

The Growguard is a little set-up which will tell you when your plants are in need of water. Hans, the brains behind this simple yet inventive product, is joining us.


Maarten Koek - Visual artist Maarten Koeks talks about his work, a series of cardboard kinetic sculptures, at Ignite Amsterdam 18. Simone Schoutens

With: Maarten Koek

Mila Lanfermeijer

Mila graduated from the Textile department of the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in 2011, and will be starting at De Ateliers in September. Find out what has been keeping her busy.


Alrik Koudenburg - Designer Alrik talks about his all-round experiences at Ignite Amsterdam 18. Simone Schoutens

Daniel de Zeeuw

In 2011 Daniel wrote his thesis (Gerrit Rietveld Academy) on the interaction between conspiracy theories and the internet. The past year he has been doing research into Anonymous, a loosely (if at all) organized group of online hackers, responsible for hacking, among others, the CIA, Sony, PBS, and NATO. Daniel will tell us more.


Sina Khani - Sina presented himself as the new David Letterman at Ignite Amsterdam 18. Simone Schoutens

With: Sina Khani

Justus Bruns & Mingus Vogel (Les Oiseaux de Merde)

What is the true value of art in a society that has lost its identity, that does not know where it is heading? In their search for true quality of life, Les Oiseaux de Merde will present the results of their research into the role of the liberal arts in a capitalized world.

Lado Darakhvelidze

Lado is the initiator of Museum TV Station, a set-up during which museums and galleries are transformed into so-called open information stations, asking real engagement from both the participating artists as well as the audience. The first Museum TV Station in Amsterdam took place on May 26th at Smart Project Space, and will be continued on June 3, 4 and 5.


Mila Lanfermeijer - Mila presented her work during Ignite Amsterdam 18. Simone Schoutens


This Rotterdam based agency coined the term Recyclicity, which means the reuse (or rather, superuse) of all elements of urban cycles, like building materials, energy supplies and human traffic, in order to create integrated and connected urban environments. Find out more about their projects.


Michiel Hilbrink - Presenting his graduation work (Rietveld Academie) on mountains at Ignite Amsterdam 18. Simone Schoutens

Teun Castelein

In 2009 Henriette Waal Buitenbrouwerij (Outdoor Brewery) produced its first beer in and from Tilburg. Recently she and artist Teun Castelein launched the Halbe: the beer that will save the Arts. Find out how and why during Ignite Amsterdam 18.


Still from Rozen (Roses) - A 2011 single channel video loop by Maarten Rots. Picture taken from his website. Maarten Rots

Maria Guggenbichler

Maria Guggenbichler thinks and un-thinks, laughs, dances, plays, doubts, tricks, listens, talks, walks, organizes, works and sabotages, publishes and hides, and spoils the broth with too many cooks, partners in crime and friends. Projects take place in ongoing and long-term collaborations and friendships. And situate themselves in self-organized, informal, and often domestic contexts.


Jan Jongert - Jan Jongert spoke about 2012Architecten's work at Ignite Amsterdam 18. Speaking at Ignite 18 Simone Schoutens

Sina Khani

Sina Khani is an Iranian-born German, living in Amsterdam. He studied a bachelor degree in Audiovisual Arts at the Rietveld Academy and graduated as a Master of Fine Arts at the Sandberg Institute. He calls himself the new David Letterman. Without the budget, without the connections and without the humor.


Justus Bruns & Mingus Vogel - Les Oiseaux de Merde speaking about art and capitalism at Ignite Amsterdam 18. Simone Schoutens

More information

Doors open at 8pm, the first speaker kicks off at 8.30pm. Location: Mediamatic Bank, Vijzelstraat 68 Amsterdam. Tickets €2.- for members, €7,- for non-members. If you don't have a membership card, you can buy one at the door for €5.-. It's valid for a month.


Daniel de Zeeuw - Daniel raced through the origins of Anonymous at Ignite Amsterdam 18. Simone Schoutens


Ignite audience drinking Halbe Bier - Visitors drinking beer out of special Halbe glasses during a break at Ignite Amsterdam 18 . Simone Schoutens