1 Oca 2003


Information in anyMeta can be shared between multiple organisations or departments. You can do this while keeping your own website and identity.

Within many organisations and between co-operating organisations it is important to use and publish collective information without having to fully work together. In anyMeta this is made easier than in any other system.

You can manage information on your own site and you decide for yourself what can be open to others. The matching engine integrates the shared information by matching the content of the additions of the different sites or parts of the sites. The user can then find all the information on the co-operating parties through one portal.


Sharing in Anymeta -

Two sites matched by hyperlinks. Due to metalinks a larger amount of relevant connections occur

The contributions of departments with a shared identity can be combined seamlessly, as if the information comes from the same source. But as a publisher you can also stress your own identity in the presentation of your information. anyMeta supports different designs next to each other and gives each information sharer his own homepage. You can indicate which information you want to share and which not. With every shared item you can, if desired, also state the source.

Example. A government institution: four departments decide to publish documents together. They first decide on a set of keywords that form the base of the integrated publication of the documents. Other departments join in later.

Two of the collaborating departments have an emphatic own identity and intensively use their own website. They present their own information in their own design. Apart from that they also only want to share a limited amount of documents with others. The other departments choose for complete integration, they share all their documents and publish them in a shared site.

The result is that the user can find documents on all the departments through one portal but the identity of the separate departments is clear.