Anne Helmond

New Media lecturer at the University of Amsterdam


Anne Helmond (Foto: Timo Arnall) -

Anne Helmond is a New Media lecturer at the Mediastudies department at the University of Amsterdam where she is also a researcher with the Digital Methods Initiative.

At PICNIC08 Anne co-organizes the Enquiring Minds Researchers @ PICNIC partner-event.

She graduated with a thesis titled ‘Blogging for Engines. Blogs under the Influence of Software-Engine Relations.’ This research on the symbiotic relationship between blog software and search engines contributes to the existing research on blogs and blogging by framing it from a software-engine perspective and describing a different role of the blogger in this relationship.

It aims to contribute to the emerging field of Software Studies which addresses the role that software plays in our society. She recently participated in the Software Studies Workshop led by Noah Wardrip-Fruin and Lev Manovich at the University of San Diego and gave a lecture on software-engine relations at the HASTACII conference at UC Irvine.

Anne previously studied at the Utrecht School of Arts where she received a Bachelor degree in Interaction Design and a Master degree in Interactive Multimedia.

She blogs about new media on her personal blog. As a freelance photographer she works for VPRO 3VOOR12, the Institute of Network Cultures and covers various new media conferences such as the Next Web.