Immovably Centred

4 Haz 2008
11 Haz 2008

“Immovably Centred” is a cross-over production that integrates theatre and visual art, by writer and artist Arnoud Holleman in collaboration with the mugmetdegoudentand theatre company.


Anuschka Blommers / Niels Schumm -

“Immovably Centred” is an exhibition in de Appel combined with a series of live performances featuring different actors and artists. Registrations of these performances will be incorporated into the video installation running continuously at de Appel arts centre through 22 June.

The title “Immovably Centred” derives from the inscription penned by poet Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) in his lyrical biography of Auguste Rodin of 1902: ‘The hero is he who is immovably centred.’ In his book Rilke portrays the legendary Rodin as a man of superhuman genius. Holleman himself described Rodin in a recent interview as “one of the first artists who made art personal and whose creative skill was fuelled ‘from within’”. In “Immovably Centred” Holleman portrays a contemporary artist who still identifies with this kind of artistic practice. The complex interrelationship between megalomania and the concomitant fear of failure it engenders is meticulously laid bare.

Take a look at the performance program.