Mediamatic Fabriek
Saying Goodbye to the Summer
18Sep 2012Caring for the systems and discussing the coming winter.
Mediamatic Fabriek
Waar komt mijn eten vandaan?
7Oct 2012Wij nodigen je uit voor een eerlijke en nuchtere lunch. Terwijl we eten, komen een slager en een boer vragen beantwoorden en vertellen over hun werk. Wat doen ze nog zelf en wat doen machines? Hoe...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Soup for your thoughts
13Sep 2012Our Fall project Ruilen is an exhibition and series of events with a focus on swapping. We shared experiences and ideas on no-money-trade over a hot meal. Do you want to join us another day? See our...
book: Rory Hyde 6 Sep 2012
Future Practice
Conversations from the Edge of Architecture
Designers around the world are carving out opportunities for new kinds of engagement, new kinds of collaboration, new kinds of design outcomes, and new kinds of practice; overturning the inherited...
workshop: NEMO
Aquaponics Workshop @ Transnatural
7Sep 2012Aquaponics is a sustainable food production system that combines the cultivation of vegetables and fish. We're sharing our knowledge and enabling people to build their own aquaponics system at home.
exhibition: Mediamatic Fabriek
20Oct 20126Jan 2013Ruilen was an exhibition and series of events. Bring the pants you can't get on alone, the games you always lose, and the books that made you cry but no longer do. And you could exchange them for...
Mediamatic @ Transnatural
7Sep 20127Oct 2012Transnatural explores the interactions between technology and ecology. During the opening day of the festival we’ll be building an aquaponics tower at NEMO, hopefully with your help. The tower will...
Swap Shoppe
A lively exchange of goods and services by Lauren Schaefer
"Never took that box to goodwill? Have homemade crafts for trade? Require help with gardening? Unsure how to fix that bike? Addicted to Craigslist’s Free section? Visit the Swap Shoppe , a lively way...
The New Economy Manifesto
"Fortunately for us, we live in the right place at the right time to explore new possibilities and implement strange outlets, which is exactly what I intend to do"
An article by Lauren Schaeffer
Mediamatic Fabriek
Tuesday BBQ-day
14Aug 2012Last sunday was a really productive day. We started the first steps of our very own germination room by seeding different kinds of vegetables in rockwool cubes and in clay pebbles to see what will...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Germination Time
12Aug 2012Last tuesday the whole Aquaponics Group was reunited again in the Mediamatic Fabriek. We talked about the last few weeks, an overview of the events and developments.
Electric Bikes 2012
Desirable pedalassisted bicycles
I'm not an expert but I am an amateur of fine bikes. 2012 is the year in which the first fine electric bikes are appearing. Originally, they used to be for the elderly, the disabled and the lazy. Now
Mediamatic Fabriek
Easy Tuesday
7Aug 2012At this Sunday’s Meeting the Mediamatic Aquaponics Group met at the Fabriek to do some basic water testing and general maintenance. The new part of the tower’s broken water pump arrived and we were...
Eco-friendly swaps dedicated to sustainable, organic goods and services
Ask for what you need Offer what you can
Mediamatic Fabriek
Relaxed Sunday
5Aug 2012The Aquaponics Group spent Tuesday at our Vijzelstraat location doing some repairs on the new tower. We fixed the syphons and found the problem to be that there were too few openings and that they...
Swap till you drop
Physical, Interactive and Online Swapping
Swap Shops and more
Mediamatic FABRIEK expertmeeting
invulling van de van Gendthallen
Op een mooie zomerse namiddag in juli spraken we met een groep bevriende experts over onze toekomstplannen voor de Mediamatic FABRIEK in de Van Gendthallen.
Alternative economic systems
Artistic Practices, Ideas, Concepts
Models for economic systems that provide an alternative to the dominant monetary economy
Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
Adjusting the New Tower
31Jul 2012This past meeting the Aquaponics Group started at the Fabriek to test the water in the systems. We then traveled to Vijzelstraat to the Mediamatic Bank where we checked on the new tower, built at our...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Open Sunday
29Jul 2012At our last meeting we mainly prepared for the upcoming Aquaponics Workshop taking place this Saturday in the Mediamatic Bank. Tools and supplies were organized and sorted for the migration to our...
New Order Catalog
The New Order catalog was included in Volume Magazine 32:2 (2012). It features information on the artworks, an interview with Femke Herregraven and Chris Lee, an introduction by curators Katja...
Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS Maurizio Montalti 1 Jan 2011
The Ephemeral Icon
Infusing life to trigger a process of final dissolution
A design-research project looking at the study and the application of a fungus, Phanerochaete chrysosporium, to synthetic, toxic materials: Plastics.
Mediamatic Fabriek
Preparing for Saturday's Workshop
24Jul 2012Sunday again tested the results of our experiment and found that the pH levels changed un expectedly. Wendy was kind enough to give us some extra plants from her garden so we added those to our...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Measuring and Constructing
22Jul 2012At the past meeting we made our way through the long to-do list we had. We got more organized by putting together a shopping list and sorting out the documentation of our test results. We also had a...