V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media
The Origins of Innocence
16Oct 200922Nov 2009In his first European solo exhibition, organized by V2_ in collaboration with FACT (Foundation for Art and Creative Technology, Liverpool), Bernie Lubell (US) bridges the mechanical character of the...
حديقة تولهاوس
In Poe Park
12Aug 200916Aug 2009Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before. (The Raven) IN POE PARK is een ode aan de wereldberoemde...
Sonya Louise
A Lioness You
I'm Sonya Louise Nagels, a New Zealand/Dutch photographic artist. Having lived in New Zealand, the United Kingdom and Australia, I now currently live in Amsterdam. My photography moves between candid...
Arctic + Circus + Film + Youth
Inuit youth circus and film collective in Igloolik, Nunavut, founded to combat youth suicide with artistic opportunity.
Rivka Dieho
A community of the dead
A conversation with Elizabeth Heyert
Mary Caparitia Bush is ready to go to the party. She is wearing a stunning black sequin dress with a pattern of white leaves. Lace gloves and a pink hat with a flower complement the look. Mary’s hair...
An Ik R.I.P. project
Mediamatic transformed the ikCam into an ikCoffin for the Ik R.I.P. exhibition . Visitors were invited to be photographed as corpses. It was very simple: you stepped into the coffin, closed the lid...
Darwin Visual Arts Association Inc.
Vestigial Loss
5Jun 200927Jun 2009In his publication On the Origin of Species (1859) Charles Darwin referred to the vestigial organs of our anatomy and their role in the theory of evolution. Like wisdom teeth and the appendix, what...
Kurye International Videofestival Istanbul
2Jun 200912Jun 2009Raymond Mirrer
lynn jackson
This is an Outrage!
22أيار / مايو 200922أيار / مايو 2009This is an Outrage! is een avond vol met Post shoegaze VS Post New Rave met live performances van AC Berkheimer en Ravage! Ravage! en matching DJ’s. Voor iedereen die niet bang is van een beetje...
Kunstfort Vijfhuizen
Ruhezeit Abgelaufen
10أيار / مايو 20092Aug 200910 mei/13:30 tot 17:30 - Opening tentoonstelling ' Ruhezeit Abgelaufen' van Rudi Fuchs en kunstwerk ' Sluipweg, waarlangs de dood heeft weten te ontsnappen' van Hans van Houwelingen. Interviews
Ashes To Ashes
Rubys Investigation of Transforming/ Trance Singapore
De Serial Kemangieteelt, die mijn vader op poten zette midden jaren zestig, waren voor de Limburgers ’n exotische bezienswaardigheid, een gangzetter midden in hun sensuele heuvelland. Ook al werden...
De Uitkijk
Death on the web
4أيار / مايو 20094أيار / مايو 2009Upload Cinema is a cozy get-together offering an inspiring and entertaining one-hour program of Internet shorts. The May 6 show is all about death.
Frascati WG Isabella Cota
Love me do — performance
13أيار / مايو 200914أيار / مايو 2009The tension, the tenderness of the first encounters, the subtleness of the body language, the synchronized breathing, the sighs, the chase. The sweetness and exhilaration in the rituals of love made...
L.C. von Sukmeister
para-performative artist-historian since 2005
Spinoza te gast bij Ik R.I.P.
Filosoferen over de dood
De Ik R.I.P. expositie laat zien hoe verschillende kunstenaars zich hebben laten inspireren door de dood. Focus van de tentoonstelling is de relatie tussen de dood, identiteit en zelfexpressie.
Museum voor Moderne Kunst Arnhem
Ophelia; sehnsucht, melancholie en doodsverlangen
26Mar 200910أيار / مايو 2009Het was tot zijn tragische geliefde Ophelia dat Hamlet de veel geciteerde woorden ‘to be, or not to be...’ uitsprak. Sindsdien hebben vele schrijvers, filosofen, cultuurwetenschappers en beeldend...
De Waag
Victorian dress acts as parachute
3Apr 20093Apr 2009On Friday the 3rd of April 2009, another Lost & Found night is taking place at the Theatrum Anatomicum. On show is, amongst others, the story of Sarah Ann Henley who miraculously survived a 250 feet...
Dead links
Despite what the title of this article suggests, these links do go somewhere!
Here you find a collection of links to websites that somehow are related to the topic of death. Leave a comment if you have other good suggestions.
Jalal Toufic presents: The Lamentation Series
18Mar 200918Mar 2009Misschien wel de eerste grote film of video over de lamentatie van Judas Iscariot nadat hij Jezus uitleverde aan de hoge priesters, en voordat hij zich ophing. “The Lamentations Series...” is een...
mert sahbaz
Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
Passed Away Salon
25Mar 200925Mar 2009The Passed Away Salon of Wednesday 25 March 2009 was a special evening about death, with presentations in which death was approached from many different perspectives. Pathologist Frank van de Goot...
Jüdisches Museum Berlin
Deadly Medicine
13Mar 200919Jul 2009The National Socialist regime made the race issue the key theme of its health and demographic policy in 1933. By 1945, 400,000 people had undergone forced sterilization and in Germany and Austria...