Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
Adjusting the New Tower
31Jul 2012This past meeting the Aquaponics Group started at the Fabriek to test the water in the systems. We then traveled to Vijzelstraat to the Mediamatic Bank where we checked on the new tower, built at our...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Open Sunday
29Jul 2012At our last meeting we mainly prepared for the upcoming Aquaponics Workshop taking place this Saturday in the Mediamatic Bank. Tools and supplies were organized and sorted for the migration to our...
Waag Society
PostNatural Organisms of the European Union
16Sep 2012Eleven preserved specimens of life forms that were intentionally altered by humans.
Gemaal op zuid
Zomersalon in Het Gemaal
27Jul 20121Sep 2012Vrijdagmiddag 27 juli opent in Het Gemaal op Zuid de Zomersalon, een verkenning van creatief talent van professionele en vrijetijdskunstenaars wonend of werkend in Rotterdam Zuid.
De Dam
Human Chain Action
29Jul 2012On 29th of July, there is a huge demonstration and manifestation for a Nuclear Free World planned in Tokyo. As we are asked for international support for this action, we gather at the Dam square at...
28Jul 201230Sep 2012For its third season, FATFORM has invited Ad de Jong and Manuel Klappe (Beeld Hal Werk 2010) to make an exhibition together with Daniela Bershan (founder FATFORM) and in collaboration with exhibition...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Preparing for Saturday's Workshop
24Jul 2012Sunday again tested the results of our experiment and found that the pH levels changed un expectedly. Wendy was kind enough to give us some extra plants from her garden so we added those to our...
Fablab Amsterdam
Fablab Summerschool
6Aug 201210Aug 2012Fablab Amsterdam offers you the opportunity to build your personal 3D printer and learn all there is to know about 3D printing.
Mediamatic Fabriek
Measuring and Constructing
22Jul 2012At the past meeting we made our way through the long to-do list we had. We got more organized by putting together a shopping list and sorting out the documentation of our test results. We also had a...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Getting Organized
17Jul 2012Sunday we added some new aromatic herbs, bought from the Sunday Market next door, to our system. We also increased the amount of water in both the new four story edifice and the small system.
Dutch Design Awards
Infographics campaign against the culture cuts nominated
Our 2011 campaign against the culture cuts has made it to the Dutch Design Awards finals. Other nominees are amongst others Lernert & Sander and Metahaven. The winners will be announced on October...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Adding to the Current Systems
15Jul 2012This past meeting we tested the water of the systems as well as added a bit of phosphoric acid. We also built a new tap for the pebble washing system in order to more effectively rinse the clay...
Mediamatic Magazine 2#4 Willem Velthoven 1 Jan 1988
Pump up the Picture
...This is a journey into Sound. A journey which along the way will bring you new colour new dimension new value ... ...When all is ready I throw this switch... Bomb that bass I'm Nin' Alou... you...
TodaysArt festival
21Sep 201223Sep 2012TodaysArt is an annual festival concept that revolves around the presentation and development of adventurous contemporary visual and performing arts.
workshop: Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
Aquaponics Workshop
28Jul 2012At Mediamatic we're in the know about aquaponics: a sustainable food production system that combines the cultivation of vegetables and fish. We want to continue sharing our knowledge and enable you...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Fine Tuning the New Four-Story Edifice
10Jul 2012Last friday was our second Aquaponics Workshop where we built a new high density four-story edifice to replace the one currently on loan to the Designhuis in Eindhoven. Participants in the sold out...
workshop: New Energy Docks: Green Metropole
Aquaponics Workshop @ Festival of Cools
10Oct 2012At Mediamatic we're in the know about aquaponics: a sustainable food production system that combines the cultivation of vegetables and fish. We continue to share our knowledge by organizing workshops...
PDZ* grote zaal
PDZ Nieuwjaarsborrel
4Jan 2011De bewoners van Pakhuis de Zwijger (Cultuurfabriek, Women Inc., Streetlab, Waag Society, Salto Lokale Omroep Amsterdam, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, Waag Society en Mediaguild) hebben zin in 2011!
Ultra de la Rue / Creative Space
5Jul 2012This week's Thursday at the newest Creative Space in Amsterdam Occupy Everything will be opened and the documentary CAPTURED will be on screen, preceded by an introduction by The Change Agent...
Foam in Duintjer CS
TOT presenteert het boek 24,95 in &Foam
12Jul 2012Wat doe je als je: eindelijk afgestudeerd bent, over loopt van ideeen en ambities, op wil vallen tussen al die andere beginnende fotografen, maar niet aan de bak komt...... Dan maak je een boek.
PDZ* grote zaal
Bright Night #19
31Aug 2012Deze avond onder andere een presentatie over Fonckel, een interactieve lamp van Nederlandse bodem.
Mediamatic Fabriek
Aquaponics: a review before the workshop
3Jul 2012The high density 4-storey Aquaponic Edifice, together with the Diesel Kantine of João Negro, had its first showing at the Food and Architecture Fair in Amsterdam and it is now in Eindhoven for the...
PDZ* grote zaal
Joint Venture! Dag 1: Club van 100 en 10…
2Jul 2012De jaarlijkse seizoensafsluiting van Pakhuis de Zwijger start met een ontwerp-avond met de Club van 100 over 10 urgente, stedelijke opgaven.