Collage Europa
23Oct 20042Jan 2005Tentoonstelling over de geschiedenis en actuele ontwikkelingen in de architectuur en stedenbouw in Oost en Midden Europa
1 Jan 2004
Interactive Video at World Wide Video Festival
Workshop in Amsterdam for European Video Artists from 10 to 14 June
Five intense days of exploring, discussing and building interactive video projects with international video artists during the World Wide Video Festival in Amsterdam from 10 to 14 June 2004. Get...
Eutopia lezing
4Apr 2004Al-Qaida versus neo-conservatisme.
1 Jan 2004
Buckminster Fuller
Practical Philosopher
Inventor, architect, engineer, mathematician, poet and cosmologist
De elite van Morgen?
20Dec 200331Jan 2004Veertien jonge architecten(bureaus) presenteren hun ontwerpen, werkwijzen en visies.
Mediamatic T-Shirts
responsible and comfortable
Buy now with Paypal or mail [at] mediamatic.net or call +31 20 638 9901.
CBK Rotterdam
28Nov 2003Onthulling van de amberboom.
Beamer, Laptop, Space Rental
Powerbook rental, Data projector rental, Space rental
The Mediamatic foundation rents out space and equipment in support of cultural activities, presentations or workshops. In the center of Amsterdam, close to Central Station and the Ring road and with...
De Toekomst Nabij
27Sep 200318Jan 2004Tentoonstelling van het eigenzinnige bureau Studio Asymptote.
Uitmarkt cultuurdebat 2003
31Aug 200331Aug 2003Presentatie Bas Heijne en Michaël Zeeman.
De Appel
Facing: Korea
28Aug 200318Oct 2003Tentoonstelling waarin cultuurkritische aspecten van de hedendaagse Koreaanse kunst aan bod komen.
29Aug 20038Sep 200336 kunstwerken op billboard formaat staan op het Museumplein.
Arboretum Belmonte
7Jun 200313Sep 2003Beeldende kunstmanifestatie met als thema de maakbaarheid van de natuur.
De Balie Roy Ascott
Telematic Embrace
6Jun 2003Avond gewijd aan Roy Ascott ter gelegenheid van de presentatie van het boek Telematic Embrace.
Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam
Kunst in Crisis
26Jan 2003Discussie over hoe de kunst ervoor staat.
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#2/3 Mike Davis 1 Jan 1995
Beyond Blade Runner: Urban Control (3)
The Ecology of Fear
Parallel Universes
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#2/3 Mike Davis 1 Jan 1995
Beyond Blade Runner: Urban Control (2)
The Ecology of Fear
The Half-Moons of Repression
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#2/3 Mike Davis 1 Jan 1995
Beyond Blade Runner: Urban Control (1)
The Ecology of Fear
Every American city has its official insignia and slogan, some have municipal mascots, colors, songs, birds, trees, even rocks. But Los Angeles alone has adopted an official Nightmare. Mike Davis
31Oct 20023Nov 2002Four days of presentations and panels, exhibitions, screenings and live shows around the central topic Stretched Paint #1: Web as Canvas.
Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam
Happy Chaos
5Oct 2002Happy Chaos verklaart de Stadsschouwburg op 5 oktober tot Europees grondgebied. De toekomst van Europa wordt besproken door studenten, politici, journalisten, wetenschappers en schrijvers.
George Dyson 1 Jan 2001
Project Orion
In 1957, tail fins, not seat belts, were standard equipment on American cars.
Maurice Nio 1 Jan 2002
Infect the Soft
What is really wrong with euclidic geometry? Which objections can really be lodged against integers, straight lines and orthogonal structures? Why are mechanical and mechanistic principles put in the...
Ingeborg Houwen 1 Jan 2001
Diagram A Speech-in-Space Act 1.2
Science Fiction Performance Drama (Part 2 of 5)
Smart Project Space
Free Video
12Jun 2002Vertoning van vier video's met als onderwerp ruimte en ruimtevaart.