Gelders Archief
20Jun 2014Congress about fashion heritage in the digital age.
exhibition: Mediamatic Fabriek
The Feeling Internet
23أيار / مايو 2014"Computers are simply mirrors. There's nothing in them that we didn't put there. If computers are viewed as evil and dehumanizing, then we made them that way." - Mark Pesce Melanie Bonajo wonders:...
Monique van Dusseldorp
Samensteller van congressen en seminars over media en technologie. TEDxAmsterdam, Mediapark Jaarcongres, Next Hamburg, Wired Londen, IBC, Cross Media Cafes, Emerce Eday, etc.
workshop: Mediamatic Fabriek
Aquaponics Workshop
24أيار / مايو 2014Aquaponics is a sustainable food production system that combines the cultivation of vegetables and fish. The best way to produce food in the city, because it hardly takes up any space. The fish poo...
Vlaams Cultuurhuis De Brakke Grond, Droog Design
Feest van de nieuwe arbeid
1أيار / مايو 201417u01: einde werkdag! Vandaag vieren we het feest van de arbeid volgens onconventioneel recept. Als slotstuk op de themamaand over de toekomst van arbeid bijten we ons met een nuchter optimisme vast...
workshop: Mediamatic Fabriek
Aquaponics Workshop
12Apr 2014Aquaponics is a sustainable food production system that combines the cultivation of vegetables and fish. The best way to produce food in the city, because it hardly takes up any space. The fish poo...
Sam Brown-Kenyon
Proposal Mycelium as 'future leather' in Shoe…
Does mycelium has the potential to function as leather within the fashion world for present and near future?
Why is it so important to us? Leather is a natural material with unique properties that make it the preferred choice for crafting thousands of products in addition to traditional applications in...
Kristel Cojak
researcher @ KASK, School of Arts HoGent.
Hi, I'm a passionated Shoe & Accessory designer who is researching and rethinking fashion shoes.
PDZ* grote zaal
Ontmoet de Radicale vernieuwers van 2014!
20أيار / مايو 2014Wie heeft niet alleen mooie ideeën voor een socialere en duurzamere samenleving, maar doet er ook echt wat aan?
Age of Wonder | 28 - 30 maart in Eindhoven
28Mar 201430Mar 2014Age of Wonder is een nieuw festival in het Natlab in Eindhoven, dat wordt gehouden ter ere van het honderdjarig bestaan van deze geboorteplek van innovatie. Age of Wonder is moeilijk in hokjes te...
PDZ* grote zaal
Tegenlicht Meet Up #15: Hoe echt is echt
12Mar 2014Hoe ver mag je gaan met het namaken van de werkelijkheid?
Mediamatic Fabriek
Hope Step Japan!
8Mar 2014It is three years after the earthquake and the Fukushima meltdown. Hope Step Japan looks back and forward with workshops and performances throughout the day, lectures on nuclear power, radiation...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Printed superfood and our (in)visible membrane
12Mar 2014Sonja Bäumel approaches the bacteria on her body and her environment as a second skin. She scientifically documents them and then visualises it into design. By doing that she makes this invisible...
Mediamatic Fabriek
Tuberculosis and cow stomachs
12Feb 2014In her latest project, The Romantic Disease: An Artistic Investigation of Tuberculosis , bio-artist Anna Dumitriu collaborated with the UK Clinical Research Consortium and worked with strains of TB...
The synthetic kingdom (en)
Marin Sawa
Marin is a designer and researcher, practising at the intersection of design and biotechnology. She is particularly interested in the synthesis of art, science and technology in the context of the...
Geef je over: The Quay Brothers
7Feb 2014Een avondvullend programma in het kader van 'De vuurlinie – kunstkritiek nu' en de tentoonstelling The Quay Brothers’ Universum, te zien bij EYE. Nina Polak presenteert haar essay Geef je over, dat...
Margot van Brakel
Key-note speaker & storyteller about the future human. What is required to maintain human in this time of accelerated change and innovation? To shift from Homo Sapiens (wise man) to Homo Conexus...
PDZ* grote zaal
Tegenlicht Meet Up #12: Hoe raken wij de auto…
19Feb 2014Over de toekomst van mobiliteit; van een eigen auto, via autodeelsystemen naar smart mobility .
PDZ* grote zaal
De Staat van de Stad collegereeks #2: Informele…
12Nov 2013Met twee uitgebreide college’s van wetenschappers over de staat van de stad in hun domein. Hoe rekbaar is de aanspraak op informele zorg?