SMART Project Space
The Future that Was
3Nov 2012De opening is onderdeel van het programma voor Museumnacht 2012 en houdt de lancering in van New Art Space Amsterdam (NASA), de nieuwe kunstinstelling die SMART Project Space en het Nederlands...
De Meern
De Tijdwinkel
22Nov 2012In onze huidige jachtige leven horen we steeds weer dat we geen tijd hebben. Terwijl we de beschikking hebben over vele hulpmiddelen zoals gereedschappen, machines, internet en niet in de laatste...
Expositie Rob Bouwman
2Nov 201223Dec 2012Dweilen en zwabbers, bezems en stoffers, anti-slipmatjes; Rob Bouwman (1981 Woerden/Groningen) zet allerhande gereedschap in in zijn schilderkunst.
Een uitnodiging voor rovers
De laatste dagen levert het noemen van de Kunsthal in Rotterdam alleen maar bleke gezichten en druipend medelijden op. Men denkt dan massaal aan de Kunstroof met hoofdletter K. De hele (kunst)wereld...
Gemeentemuseum Den Haag
Sikkens Prize 2012
28Oct 2012Bridget Riley is the first female artist in the history of the Sikkens Prize to receive the award. During this festive event, the neuroscientist Dick Swaab will deliver the Mondrian Lecture.
Maand van de Geschiedenis
28Sep 201228Oct 2012Oktober 2012 staat in het teken van geschiedenis. Overal in Nederland organiseren honderden instellingen een breed scala aan activiteiten. Het thema van de Maand van de Geschiedenis is Arm & Rijk.
Cannibalizing Cannibal Myth
How Brazilian cannibals captured Western thinking, devoured and digested it
Brazil’s national identity is based on a mix of ethnicities, which makes Brazilians hard to recognise on the basis of just their appearance.
Mediamatic Fabriek
The end of the Schommelclub
22Sep 2012The time has come for new experiments. The end of September does not only mark the end of bright, hot summer months, but also the beginning of the beautiful, crisp autumn season. Together with these...
Mediamatic Magazine 3#4 Stefaan Decostere, Chris Dercon, john wyver 1 Jan 1989
The New Museum
script for a television program
The six sequences published here have been taken from a script consisting of 19 sequences, they were written during the second half of 1988 by Stefaan Decostere and Chris Dercon, translated and...
Erik Diekstra
getraind oog, beeldmaker & media-vormgever
Amsterdam Roest
Roestige Planken
13Sep 201223Sep 2012Amsterdam Roest (naast Mediamatic Fabriek) presenteert het gloednieuwe en intieme theaterfestival Roestige Planken. Twee weekenden lang neemt uniek, muzikaal, lachwekkend en absurd theater de...
book: Paolo Giordano
De eenzaamheid van de priemgetallen
Wanneer hij in zijn ijzersterke openingshoofdstukken Alice en Mattia introduceert, heeft hij je meteen in zijn ban. Beiden hebben in hun kinderjaren een traumatische ervaring beleefd, die hen tot een...
Mediamatic Magazine 3#2 Anna Abrahams, Jan Frederik Groot 1 Jan 1988
De Camera als Dictafoon
GEORGE KUCHAR was born on 8mm, his aunt had lent him her camera for the occasion. His film career only really started, however, some time later, when he was twelve years old. In 1955 he made a film...
Mediamatic Magazine 3#2 Glenn O'brien 1 Jan 1988
Dommelsch Is Really Gonna Make It
When I think about the possibility today of what used to be called an art movement, I think about what ROB SCHOLTE calls Business Art.
Mediamatic Magazine 3#2 Jean Baudrillard 1 Jan 1988
L'Extase de la Communication
Video is out. After a brief but intense period of development it has been superseded by the computer. Yet even this splendid machine at present needs a screen to display its inner ruminations. But...
Mediamatic Magazine 3#2 Simon Biggs 1 Jan 1988
World Wide Video Festival / 3. Videonale
Recent developments in video had been marked by the fragmentation of the medium - into well defined styles and genres - the volume of production and their generally technically advanced quality. The...
Mediamatic Magazine 3#2 Preikschat, Wolfgang 1 Jan 1988
Maria Vedder in Museum Ludwig Klaus vom Bruch in…
The critic who is used to looking thoughtfully out of the window during train journeys, will currently meet an astonishing number of works of the familiar rectangular format. Travelling from city to...
Lotte van Zuijlen
Smart Project Space
Giorgio Andreotta Calò
8Sep 201221Oct 2012SMART Project Space is pleased to announce the first solo exhibition in the Netherlands by Giorgio Andreotta Calò (born in Venice, Italy, and lives and works in Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Andreotta...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 2#4 1 Jan 1988
Fukui Video Biennale
The second Fukui International Video Biennale entitled Discovery of Resources of Our Time was held in March of this year. Fukui is a coastal city of 280.000 inhabitants to the west of Tokyo. Monique...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 2#4 1 Jan 1988
Travelling Light
Are music videos art?
Steve Bode has his doubts but still reviews two recent compilations; Talking Heads and Depeche Mode. Okay, just this one time then.