Studying directing at the National Film school of Denmark.
Kunsthalle Düsseldorf
Sensational Fix
30Jan 200910أيار / مايو 2009The exhibition is devoted to the activities of the experimental guitar band Sonic Youth, which profoundly influenced style in the music and art scene from its founding in 1981. This is shown by the...
Jeanette Groenendaal
Filmmaker/performer. DasArts Alumni
Works Februari 2009 POLDERPIECE (video Installation) collaboration with Zoot Derks in his work for: The Best of both Worlds; W139, Amsterdam exposition of Master Artistic research from 19 th of...
11Feb 200911Feb 2009Pixar might suck up much of the oxygen in the world of animation but there's plenty of activity at the edges of the art form. Barry Doupe's computer animations look that look like technology on the...
Fluxus - Fluxfilm Anthology
15Feb 200915Feb 2009Fluxus' interdisciplinary aesthetic brings together influences as diverse as Zen, science, and daily life and puts them to poetic use. Initially received as little more than an international network...
Derk Braakman
I'm working at the largest Dutch Social network Hyves as a API manager, currently guiding API partners and helping with our OpenSocial implementation.
cat van der voort
Rebecca Wotzko
googles it.
Hello! I worked at Mediamatic for the Wat Spinoza festival.
Unexpected Cairo
Townhouse Gallery of Contemporary Art So, one thing you can't miss is The Townhouse Gallery of Contemporary Art, a platform for creative inquiry that supports artistic work through exhibitions
KIT Tropentheater
Beeld voor Beeld
Documentaire filmfestival cultuur en beeldvorming: oproep tot inzending!
Van 8 tot 14 juni 2009 vindt in het Tropentheater Amsterdam en het Wereldculturencentrum Zuiderpershuis Antwerpen het documentaire festival Beeld voor Beeld plaats. Dit jaar zal het een speciale...
Maia Lyon-Daw
Maia Lyon Daw is an audiovisual artist from the UK, currently based in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Her sound, video and installation work explores new formulations of ritual expression and alternative...
karlijn meijer
Daniel Jacques
Katja Harms
Weerwoord Festival
28Jan 20091Feb 2009Van 28 januari t/m 1 februari 2009 vind voor de vijfde keer het literaire festival Weerwoord plaats rondom het Leidseplein in Amsterdam. Vijf dagen lang biedt het festival lezingen, interviews
The Birds & Ghost Trucker
29Jan 200929Jan 2009Op donderdag 29 januari om 19.30 uur draait de Filmschuur Alfred Hitchcocks klassieker The Birds, een ijzingwekkende thriller van de grootmeester van de suspense. Voor deze bijzondere vertoning van...
saida zemouri
Screening Vergessene Fahnen
22Jan 20092562 km hebben Florian Thalhofer en Juliane Henrich door Duitsland gereist. In 2006 waren zij op zoek naar de vergeten Duitse vlaggen die tijdens het wereldkampioenschap voetbal waren opgehangen en...
Vera West
André Mello
De Doelen
International Film Festival Rotterdam 2009
21Jan 20091Feb 2009Het International Film Festival Rotterdam vertoont vanaf 21 januari tot en met 1 februari circa 300 lange films en 400 korte films. Bijna 400 filmmakers en ongeveer 2500 filmprofessionals uit hele...
yaloo studio
yaloo studio web design, brand design, catalogue, business presentation, interactive, print, logos, exhibitions and more.... Resume 5 years of experience in graphic design and web design. 10 years...
albert figurt
nature leaves the leaves leave the trees and fall in the fall
Albert Figurt was born 27 years ago He lives between his very small hometown and the rest of the world His body is mainly fueled by vegetables, milk and chocolate wafers He gets off in the...