De Service Garage
Free and Untamed Beings
23Jul 200818Aug 2008The exposition will show the works of six young and ambitious artists and designers. Inspired by bestial motives in human behavior, the central theme of the exposition is: fashion and freedom.
Kompromat Blog Katja Sokolova
11 trains, 4 towns and 3 days
Manifesta 7 Professional preview , July 17-19
Instead of a political hot spot, the one and only European nomadic biennial takes place in a tourist paradise of Trentino/South Tyrol this time. Many Dutch people went there to escape from the rain...
Michael Chichi
artist + designer, creative idealist, spiritual being having a human experience
Holiday Free in the French Nature?
Holistic doctor is looking for an animal friend that could come down to the heart of France’s magical forest, in the healing powerfull stunning nature, recharging your batteries, while looking after...
Tiffany von Emmel
Galerie Van Kranendonk
9Jul 200831Jul 2008Multidisciplinary exhibition with art from Daan Brinkmann, Annick Halier, Johan Nieuwenhuize, Eric Schrijver and Basten Stokhuyzen. Curator: Josephine van Kranendonk.
Smart Project Space
Artist talk & lecture
2Jul 2008In the cinema of Smart Project Space there will be lecture by Simon Faithfull. In advance Artists Rebecca Sakoun and Florian Göttke will talk about there work.
Ola Podgorska
Strive for balance. Balance is truth and perfection.
25 year old graphic designer/creative, working in London.
Sarah van Lamsweerde
Jacob Kok
Fashion, Music, New media, Biology, Philosophy, Interpretation, Perception, Human, Nature, Electronic
Gabriele Trützschler von Falkenstein
Claud Biemans
nature and culture
city botanist science writer physics editor culture organiser late night performer
Vereniging Natuurmonumenten
A Dutch conservation organization, founded in 1905, which acquires and manages nature reserves in the Netherlands. The first area that the association purchased in 1905 was Naardermeer in the...
book: Vereniging Natuurmonumenten 1 Jan 1997
Basisgids flora en fauna van Nederland
This practical pocket guide is packed with facts about everything that grows and flourishes in the Netherlands.
David Rothenberg
David Rothenberg is a professor of philosophy and music at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, with a special interest in animal sounds as music. He is also a jazz musician whose books and CDs...
book: David Rothenberg 1 Jan 1995
Wild Ideas
Wild Ideas is a collection of essays that brings a fresh and refreshing perspective to the wilderness paradoxically at the center of our civilization.
book: Donna Haraway 12 Dec 1990
Simians, Cyborgs, and Women
The Reinvention of Nature
A powerful collection of ten essays written between 1978 and 1989. Although on the surface, simians, cyborgs and women may seem an odd threesome, Haraway describes their profound link as "creatures"...
Lode Claassen
Community Interaction Designer
Designing and creating. Communities, learning tools, communication methods, interactive spaces and websites. Everything works in a flow along with your own activity.
Vanessa Schauer
I am a third years student of Interactive/Media/Design at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague. Originally I come from Austria. I love to discover other countries, mentalities and languages. I enjoy...
Theater het Amsterdamse Bos speelt... Openluchttheater van het Amsterdamse bos
11Jul 20086Sep 2008De Russische titel van het stuk luidt Datchniki: bewoners van Datsja's, zomerhuisjes waarin de mensen uit de stad die het zich konden permitteren gedurende de zomermaanden woonden, om de hitte en...
Museum Beelden aan Zee
Beelden van glorie en verval
20Jun 20087Sep 2008Eddy Posthuma de Boer, die als fotograaf vele werelddelen bereisde, is beroemd geworden door zijn indringende foto's van mens, maatschappij en de elementen. In de zomer van 2008 toont museum Beelden...
SM's - Stedelijk Museum 's-Hertogenbosch
This is what you want...this is what you get
18Jun 20086Jul 2008De in Duitsland geboren en in Rotterdam wonende Anne Wenzel maakt installaties en beelden van keramiek. Haar werk bestaat uit grote beelden die steeds weer op een verrassende, nieuwe wijze worden...