De Waag
De Anatomie van het Web
29Sep 2004Onder andere semantisch web wordt in een avond in de Waag besproken, tijdens een lezing over de webtechnieken die de medische wereld revolutionair aan het veranderen zijn.
11Feb 2004Roadmovie van Jeroen Kooijmans.
1 Jan 2004
Vincent Icke
Astronomer and Artist
Vincent Icke is professor of theoretical astronomy at the university of Leiden and professor of cosmology at the university of Amsterdam.
De Appel
Henrik Hakansson
21Nov 200311Jan 2004Solotentoonstelling van de Zweedse kunstenaar Henrik Hakansson (1968).
Babette Kleijn en Samantha Rees
26Oct 200321Nov 2003Foto's van Babette Kleijn en schilderijen van Samantha Rees.
Stedelijk Museum Alkmaar
Land In Zicht
24Apr 200314Sep 2003Culturele fietsroute door Kennemerland.
Park - China Town
11Feb 2003An installation that offers the visitors of the Berlinale a quiet and peaceful place for contemplation. In the middle of the Forum in the Sony Centre, you can almost smell the botanical gardens of...
In Nature
21Sep 20021Oct 2002Tentoonstelling met werk van Lizan Freijsen, Ali Mroivili, Alite Thijsen en Harm van der Wal.
Nieuwe Vide
27Jul 2002Weekend met eten, beeld en geluid.
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 6#4 1 Jan 1992
In Memoriam the Ear
With regard to the ear, we humans were still living in a transitory phase: that of the whale which could already swim, but would still heave itself ashore out of nostalgia.
Mediamatic Magazine vol.7#1 Remko Scha 1 Jan 1992
Virtual Voices (2)
Soft Machines
Mediamatic Magazine vol.7#1 Remko Scha 1 Jan 1992
Virtual Voices (1)
The new digital media technologies, which are now being developed, are often imitative technologies. Future generations may end up viewing the twentieth century as the century of abstraction, and the...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol.7#1 Jules Marshall 1 Jan 1992
AI !(2)
Back to Networks
Mediamatic Magazine Vol.7#1 Jules Marshall 1 Jan 1992
AI! (1)
It sometimes feels as if everything is up for grabs in the crazy, fin de siècle postmodern-cyberchips-with-everything world of today. There's nothing to count on, nothing you can wave above your head...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 9#1 Hein Masseling 1 Jan 1998
Artificial Evolution in an Artificial World
Until recently, one of the most frustrating problems for evolutional biologists was the fact that the process of evolution could not be directly perceived as a process. With the recent development of...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 7#2 Arjen Mulder 1 Jan 1993
World Names
Brief news item: in Bosnia and Hercegovina, the first children conceived by Bosnian women after being raped by Serbian soldiers have been born. The women refuse to recognize these babies and leave...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 7#2 Paul Groot 1 Jan 1993
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
The dictates of Parisian idiom, the American Dream wrapped up in the abstraction of the New York School, the postmodern trans-avant-garde of the axis Cologne-Rome: the idea of world art has a...
magazine: Bob Rickard, Paul Sieveking
Fortean Times, The Journal of Strange Phenomena
John Brown Publishing Ltd. (pub), London, English text, 12 pond sterling, 6 issues
Dutch Design
31Jan 2002Nieuwjaarsreceptie van de BNO + presentatie van Dutch Design 2002/2003
Dirk Van Weelden 1 Jan 2001
The Synthetic Life Experience Project
Wishes You Good Luck!
Welcome to this happy farewell gathering. Tomorrow a bus will bring you to the airport down in the valley. Before your departure, take your time in saying goodbye to these buildings and gardens. Take...
Mercedez Bunz 1 Jan 2001
Extensions, Boundaries & Double Crossings
Or: We Don't Trust Anybody. Shadowing Theory and Technology Constructing Subjects
Bunz's text will focus on the different ways in which the word 'and' formats the relation between reality - which means us, the humans - and the computer. Her ambition is to demonstrate that the 'and'...
Las Palmas
5Jan 2002Video-installatie van Lies Schermer met jungle-beelden uit Suriname. Een audiovisuele natuurexcursie.
Het Siegerpark
In de nacht in het Toonbos
28Sep 2001project van Gwendolyn Nieuwenhuize (concept en uitvoering) video/montage: Daphne van Tongeren roze jurk: Joff tijd: 20.30 - 23.00 uur gratis entree
book: Kevin Kelly 14 Apr 1995
Out of Control
The New Biology of Machines, Social Systems, and the Economic World.
An accessible and entertaining explanation of why the coming years will probably be the Age of Biology -- particularly evolution and ethology -- and what this will mean to almost every aspect of our...