Isabella Labella
As my name indicates, I am very attractive. And/but I'm also smart. I also have 7 great personalities, all of them female. I live in absence. I do not know who I am. Do you want to help me discover...
Maxalot Pop-Up Gallery
Maxalot brings together graphic design, iconography, street art and all the hybrids in between to create exhibitions and creative projects related to the art of image-making.
Studio Jan Melis
De Salon presenteert... 'In het Duister'
12Dec 200814Dec 2008De Salon maakt sinds maart 2005 op uitnodiging tentoonstellingen op wisselende locaties. De Salon is een initatief van Maartje Berendsen en Tamar de Kemp. Uitgangspunt is het maken van...
General States
10Dec 200825Jan 2009‘Generale Staten (General States)’ revolves around the story of a quarantined town in the middle of an as yet unidentifiable, virulent and deadly epidemic. This story was played in the form of a...
Stichting VillaNuts
VillaNuts is een ontmoetingsplaats, een stichting die exposities, optredens, films, lezingen en tal van andere activiteiten organiseert voor jonge startende kunstenaars, studenten van de...
Theater Vrijburcht
De kunst van het samenleven
13Dec 200813Dec 2008Zaterdag 13 december 2008 organiseert Het Blauwe Huis in samenwerking met IJburg TV (v.h. MediacafeTIJ), 'De kunst van het samenleven’. Een debat over samen wonen en samen leven op IJburg.
www.itsnotthatkind.org Utrecht Vredenburg
Beam me up Scotty: Take II
4Dec 2008It's not that kind of action is back. We use a bakfiets+car batteries+laptop+wacom+projector and simply project sketches made in loco to the walls of Utrecht. After the successful action in front of...
Cape Town and other 'African' moments
Some top 5 lists from someone in the place dubbed as 'The mother windy city'
These extremely personal perspectives are by no means comprehensive and present only a slice of a multiplicity of slices of a city as diverse as it is fragmented. Cape Town's fraught history is worth...
Define the line
5Sep 200815Oct 2008Joost Bakker, Rachel de Boer, Cathelijn van Goor, Chiel Janssen, Torsten Ruehle The line is the most basic visual product of the human hand. First used by mankind to make simple explanatory images on...
Claire Jervert
The Precarious State #2
4Dec 20084Jan 2009In het kader van het project ‘The Precarious State’ toont SKOR bij De Inkijk een installatie van Paloma Polo. De installatie toont een tafereel dat het resultaat lijkt te zijn van een massale...
V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media
Test_Lab: Better than Reality
11Dec 200811Dec 2008Ever wondered what happened to the future of Virtual Reality? Virtual Reality’s past has seen many visionaries who, often with goggles and joysticks in hand, claimed that the technology’s future...
Valentin Wormbs
I´am an Artist, Photographer and Professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Konstanz, South Germany.
varvara guljajeva
I just got my M.Sc in digital media in Germany and came to Amsterdam to work and grow in Mediamatic. I am interested in new media art, interaction design, and questioning the aesthetics of it. In my...
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
Free Santa!
28Nov 200828Nov 2008Na lang wikken wegen en tijdelijke plekken, krijgt het monumentale brons Santa Claus van Paul McCarthy dan eindelijk een vaste plek in Rotterdam. De plaatsing: vrijdag 28 november in het hart van...
Boris Thorbecke
Everard Warffemius
irmin van der meijden
Having a Rakia with a good friend..
Hey! I am a young cultural entrepreneur working in between Amsterdam and Southeast Europe. I am working for Balkan Buro, an organisation that brings the Balkans closer to Western Europe trough...
Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst
Amsterdam Vrijhaven
2Dec 20082Dec 2008Het Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst (NIMk) organiseert in samenwerking met Virtueel Platform in het kader van Verleden van Nederland, een multimediale campagne over de geschiedenis van Nederland
Gesu Church
fLUX, Binary Waves
27Nov 200829Nov 2008fLUX, binary waves is an urban and cybernetic installation based on the measuring of infrastructural ( passengers, cars…) and communicational ( electromagnetic fields produced by mobile phones
Lezing Wubbo Ockels over zijn Superbus
27Nov 2008Astronaut, hoogleraar, uitvinder en duurzaam ondernemer Wubbo Ockels vertelt donderdag 27 november om 18.00 uur in het NAi over zijn futuristische Superbus (250 km per uur) en wat de gevolgen van dit...
Partizan Publik
Partizan Publik is devoted to a braver society. The Partizans explore, produce and implement social, political and cultural instruments, which generate positive and sustainable change to people and...
René Boomkens, Wouter Bos, Beirut, Lebanon
Rani AL Rajji
If you're coming to Beirut, I've already found what you're looking for, think twice before doing it, never regret once you've done it. There's a Bounyak in each one of us.
Sofia Felix
Hey there! Welcome to my profile. I hope you found what you were looking for! If you're interested in contemporary arts & culture projects with a focus on collaboration with Southeastern Europe, then...