Nita H
de Nieuwe nummer 29 komt uit op 30 mei 2013
De Nieuwe is de kunstmagazine van Arti et Amicitiae. Alle nummers staan op het net, www.denieuwe.nl De Nieuwe wordt in een oplage van 7000 exemplaren . Utopische Berichten uit de KUNST verkrijgbaar...
Wouter Schreuder
Audiovisueel Adviseur/Vormgever
...maakt zeer uiteenlopende audiovisuele producties. Fictie en non-fictie. Van 2006 tot en met 2011 filmt, monteert en regisseert hij meerdere tv-programma's voor de lokale omroep in Groningen.
extravaganzic urban radio offers people activism Eindhoven rene pare
Image Radio
30Oct 20082Nov 2008Exploring your invisible paradise 30-10 – 02-11 Eindhoven CBD www.imageradio.nl
Wireless media in/as public space
Tijmen Schep (1981) is a Dutch theorist on new media and digital culture, focussing on wireless media and public space. This theorizing is brought to life in the NetNiet.org foundation which promotes...
Rixt Hulshoff Pol
Hoofd educatie & publieksbegeleiding Stedelijk Museum, sinds 1 februari 2007. Projecten: Stad en Taal Toeval gezocht Eerste hulp bij ... Stedelijk in de Stad Heropening Stedelijk Achtergrond:...
Debby Scholtes
leven muster collective
Club 11, PostCS
Sensing City
10Apr 2008A city has its own rhythm that affects the life of its people and is at the same time created by them. Bus schedules, traffic lights and the turn signals of cars are familiar patterns to the citizen.
Jerry Andriessen
Learning and interaction researcher
is there a realist amongt all yo motha fuckin artist
andrea wiegman
alles over trends
Bas van der Paardt
DTM_INC stands for Dan Tha Man Incorporated. Dan is a graphic designer of 31 years old.
Martine Albitrouw-Segijn
Artist, Open Aroma Lab for Kids
Martine has a great interest, great love for odours, smells form nature, anything smelly that appeals to her. She is helping run Open Aroma Lab for Kids.
Amirali Ghasemi
Media Artist / Freelance Curator / Graphic Designer
Eider Corral
MICRO design projects
My studio is my home... and viceversa. I sometimes travel carrying my studio inside my backpack. Will I one day be able to carry my home inside my handbag?
k.g. Guttman
...from Canada, lives and works in Paris.
Huis Marseille
Opening Fale but Accurate
1Mar 2008Tonight at the opening of Huis Marseille will present a retrospective by the well-known Dutch photographer Edwin Zwakman, in which his three latest series can be seen together for the first time. The...
Huis Marseille
Fake but Accurate
1Mar 200825أيار / مايو 2008In the spring of 2008 Huis Marseille will present a retrospective by the well-known Dutch photographer Edwin Zwakman, in which his three latest series can be seen together for the first time.
Multiple Clothing
28Feb 2008Casco’s programme concentrates on the crossovers between the fields of art, design and theory, and the relationships of these fields to wider social, political and cultural contexts. In the early...
one man graphic studio_ photography, video, collaboration with soundfreaks & musicians
graphic artist/designer, online editor, photography & video,...