presentation: Bauhaus Dessau Foundation
Transnational Spaces
19Jul 2005The Bauhaus Kolleg VI examined the correlation between local and global cultures merging in the metropolitan spaces of big cities to transnational spaces. This symposium presents the findings along...
Gerrit Rietveld Academie
Rietveld processes
30Jun 20053Jul 2005Parallel to the final year exhibition is an exhibition on the renovation process of the original Rietveld building and the new academy building by Benthen Crouwel in Amsterdam south. The...
Suitcase architecture
8Jul 200527Aug 2005In the seventies, Bologna was the place to be for urbanization. Ten years later Paris was the architecture hotspot, and then when the 1992 Olympics came round, everyone needed to go to Barcelona.
festival: Graz
Steirischer Herbst
29Sep 200530Oct 2005Also known as steirisc * bst , the city of Graz puts the polis on display. Explorations of the city as the hub of networks in aesthetic, political and cultural dimensions.
NAi Symposium
30Jun 2005Een symposium over het belang van beeldende kunstprojecten als ruimtelijk ordeningsinstrument, naar aanleiding van projecten van Stichting Kunst in de Openbare Ruimte in onder meer Polder Mastenbroek.
18Jun 2005The documentary Celebration, by Quirine Racké and Helena Muskens, will be screened at the Das Arts Festival.
Big and Beautiful
4Jul 200515Jul 2005In a two week course, the future of harbours like Rotterdam and Hamburg will be examined. How can a city reasonably allow the harbour to expand closer to a residential area? How does one deal with...
performance: Vathorst
Vathorst Grand Parade
4Jun 2005Een idee van Neeltje ten Westenend
Witte de With
Lagos Wide & Close DVD launch
27أيار / مايو 2005A video installation has been made especially for the launch of the DVD, Lagos Wide & Close, an Interactive Journey into an Exploding City.
exhibition: Showroom MAMA
Klaus Weber
27أيار / مايو 20053Jul 2005Exhibition of work from 1991-2005 by German artist Klaus Weber
Meinhard Von Gerkan
Arcam Architecture Lecture
a series of lectures in which the architects elaborate on their projects and influences.
Vlaams Cultuurhuis De Brakke Grond
Josep Lluis Mateo
30أيار / مايو 2005Josep Lluis Mateo from MAP architects elaborates on his latest projects.
Voormalig Gerechtsgebouw
How to fix reality
26أيار / مايو 2005A three course dinner by Patrick Faas to accompany a presentation of three films by Jacqueline Goss and an interview with Jacqueline Goss conducted by Arie Altena.
Miss Dwaallicht
Een zoektocht door Nieuw Crooswijk
Met het project Dwaallicht zoekt kunstenaar Jeanne van Heeswijk naar wat het karakter van de wijk bepaalt.
Felix Meritis
Creative Capital Conference
17Mar 200518Mar 2005Creative industry is one of the latest buzzwords in the debate about the knowledge economy. But what exactly is the relation between culture and economics?
Openbare Bibliotheek Bijlmermeer
31Mar 2005Presentatie Bijlmerscope van Maurer en Maurer
Who's afraid of Vinex?
19Feb 200520Mar 2005Ontwerper Neeltje ten Westenend presenteert haar onderzoek naar de identiteit van de nieuwe wijk Vathorst bij Amersfoort.
Showroom MAMA
26Feb 200527Mar 2005Katie Grinnan's Tower Story is de eerste tentoonstelling in de nieuwe verdubbelde showroom van MAMA
Imagine IC
The new Imagine IC façade
15Feb 200525Mar 2005Maurice van Tellingen designed a multimedia installation to adorn the glass front of the Imagine IC building.
Huis Marseille
Made in Britain
5Mar 200529أيار / مايو 200512 engelse fotografen onderzoeken verschillende aspecten en eigenaardigheden van Groot Brittannië aan de hand van portretten, landschappen, stillevens, reportages, collages en experimentele...
One Land, Two Systems
Foundation for Achieving Seamless Territory (FAST)
FAST is dedicated to exposing the global abuses of ideological planning, as found in Israel’s ‘unrecognised’ villages like Ein Hud, and to offering alternative solutions.
De Balie
A Tale of two Villages
6Feb 2005At the 6th of February at 2pm the winners of its international architecture competition will be announced, in conjunction with a public discussion about planning and human rights in Israel
exhibition: Mediamatic Post CS
Planning as a Criminal Act
6Feb 200520Mar 2005Architecture and urban planning are often abused to maintain or aggravate unfair political, economic or social situations. This was clearly the case in the Israeli governments design for the future...
De Unie
Wethouders met een Missie
19Jan 2005Het tweede debat in de reeks Wethouders met een Missie gaat over de maatschappelijke functie van sport. Maatschappelijke Problemen als de multiculturele samenleving, de individualisering; ze komen...