Leonor Jonker
Organiser Artventure
Specialties:Research & Writing, (Pre-)Production, Booking, Publicity. Together with Julie Scott & Roeland Drost (Scott & Drost music and theatre) and Karin Maks (105PK) I organise the conference...
doorbreekt de eentonigheid van de openbare ruimte.
De persoonlijke leefomgeving kan veel persoonlijker, veel levendiger. STOOKOVEN gelooft dat kunst hier een belangrijke rol in kan spelen.
George Azmy
George Azmy is an Egyptian illustrator born in Cairo, 1983. During his bachelor years at the Fine Arts Faculty at Helwan University in Cairo, Azmy Worked in several design houses which established...
Bart Driessen
founder and partner of Zinnebeeld
Zinnebeeld is a graphic and interactive design agency based in Rotterdam, Netherlands. We design and produce corporate identities, books, websites and more.
workshop: Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
Making cartoons with Lamelos
1Apr 20101Apr 2010As a part of the Jerry Springer Rodeo exhibition, organized by Sjocosjon, Lamelos gives a workshop on making cartoons. This really is an amazing opportunity to learn the tricks of the trade from the...
The evolution of a brand
Conversation with Sabine Delafon, curator of the Milan pavilion
For the Amsterdam Biennale performance artist Sabine Delafon created a special exhibition with her Sabine Delafon Corporation. It opens on Saturday 21 November at Mediamatic from 20:00 hrs, along...
Living on the edge
Interview with Caroline Woolard, curator of the Brooklyn pavilions
For her second pavilion in the Amsterdam Biennale, Caroline Woolard curated Temporary Services into the Brooklyn Pavilion. They organized a one-off newspaper, focusing on art labor and economics in...
1k projectspace- de Ekster
Observations of a Celebration NY400
19Feb 201028Mar 2010February 20th thru March 28th, 2010 Reception February 19th, 5-7pm
workshop: Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
Customize your t-shirt with Gestift!
19Mar 201019Mar 2010One time workshop with artist Gestift. He'll show you how he works and in a few hours you will produce your own t-shirt in the Gestift style. The shirt is all yours. This event is part of the Great...
Gijs van Amelsvoort
i love riding track bikes, good coffee, watching bad movies, collecting old punk records, spend my summers in NYC, i studied graphic design and visual communication, i now run a trackbike shop/vegan...
Beeldend kunstenaar/ontwerper
Johanneke Lamoraal Wichers (Amsterdam, 30 december 1982), beeldend kunstenaar van Nederlandse afkomst. Diploma behaald in juli 2009 aan de Gerrit Rietveld Academie. In mijn werk houd ik me...
Write Now! Write Now!
Write Now!
1Jan 201022Feb 2010Write Now! is een schrijfwedstrijd voor jongeren van 15 t/m 24 jaar met 15 voorronden in Nederland en 3 in Vlaanderen. De voorwaarden om mee te doen: leeftijd 15 t/m 24 jaar, de inzending is in de...
Laurens Hebly
Start by doing what is necessary; then do what is possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.
Onomatopee 38 - NEST #1 : RE: Happy Days
14Feb 201028Mar 2010The Eindhoven based band The Rose Frustrates consists of producer Mark van der Heijden (Lab van Akoestiek), artist Ramon Hulspas (AE) and curator Michel van Dartel (V2_). As a group, The Rose...
Onomatopee 40 - CABINET #1: The Smell of…
14Feb 201028Mar 2010Aeron Bergman and Alejandra Salinas What does time do to place when it comes to our present day idealistic projections onto these? What does time do to place when it comes to the implementation of...
Margarita Osipian
Hi! I worked for the mediamatic foundation, coordinating and building exhibitions. I was working on the Paddestoelen Paradijs exhibition. I moved to Toronto, from Belarus, when I was six, and now I'm...
Raymond Lemstra
Well well..
amylin loglisci
interim professional in opleiding
Something to do with Staples
Call for entries by Raumonline.nl
Raumonline.nl is announcing a new project called ‘something to do with staples’, it’s simple, fun and has to do with staples (yes, those things you use to hold together paper or other stuff ). For...
Marjolijn Stappers
Mayken Craenen
I am part of the Mediamatic exhibitions team. With them I happily travel from Inuit culture to fixed gear bikes to who knows what else the future will bring...
Alto Clark
contact me !
Based in Lyon, I'm a french artist working mostly on the relationship between sound and visual. I keep going back and forth between graphic design, illustration, sound, installation and performances...
Michael Groen
I'm Michael. I worked for Mediamatic Lab at the communication departement in 2010. Graduated as MSc in Corporate Communications at the University of Amsterdam.