book: Sluys jr, W.N. van der 1 Jan 1942
Het ABC der reclame
"Reclame.... Propaganda.... Bestaat er wel een interessanter onderwerp, waar een auteur over kan schrijven? Juist in dezen tijd ?" Hier kunnen ze bij KesselsKramer nog een puntje aan zuigen.....
book: Din Pieters 1 Jan 1989
A survey of the Collection
Catalogue of the collection of the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam.
book: Joseph McCarney 4 Aug 2000
Hegel on History
This GuideBook introduces and assesses Hegel's influential work, Introduction to the Philosophy of History, explaining both key concepts and Hegel's continuing relevance to the historical debate. It...
book: Keith Ansell Pearson 1 Jan 1997
Viroid Life
Perspectives on Nietzsche and the Transhuman Condition
This book will be of interest to those seeking a fresh and thoughtful approach to Nietzsche, to those concerned with the status of technology and biology in the late twentieth century, and to those...
Ole Bouman
Ole Bouman is the director of the Netherlands Architecture Institute, globally the largest institute of its kind.
book: Dick Elffers 1 Jan 1976
Vorm en tegenvorm
poging tot portret van een ontwerper
Dick Elffers
A Dutch artist.
book: Walter Greiling 1 Jan 1954
Zo zal ons leven worden
This book foresaw the rest of the 20th century as a time in which there would, for the present, further be overexploited natural resources.
book: Kalle Lasn 1 Jan 1999
Culture Jam
How to Reverse America's Suicidal Consumer Binge--And Why We Must
Lasn deconstructs the advertising culture and our fixation on icons and brand names.
Kalle Lasn
Founder of Adbusters magazine.
book: Jim Harter 1 Jan 1985
A Pictorial Archive from Nineteenth-Century Sources
Need a hand? Here are over a thousand! Over 1,100 pairs of hands in all shapes, sizes, and shades: writing, sewing, with pointing fingers, much more, all royalty-free. Perfect for spot illustrations...
book: Marc Feigen Fasteau 1 Jan 1972
The male machine
Drawing upon personal insights and experiences, the author explores myths about masculinity and their destructive impact on society.
Albert Kapr
Prof. dr. Albert Kapr was sinds het begin van de jaren vijftig een van de leidende figuren in de typografie van de voormalige DDR.
book: Albert Kapr 1 Jan 1992
101 Stellingen
Kosinski, Jerzy
Award-winning Polish-American novelist.
book: Geoffrey Batchen 1 Jan 1964
William Henry Fox Talbot
Father of Modern Photography
This monograph features many of Talbot's best-known landscapes made around Lacock Abbey and some of the first negatives ever made. It also includes lesser-known and previously unpublished work that...
book: Krimpen, Huib van 1 Jan 1988
Grafisch zakboek
hedendaagse grafische begrippen
Pleutin, Patrick, Schaer, Roland 1 Jan 1996
Tous les Savoirs du Monde
L’aventure des encyclopédies de Sumer au xxIe siècle
Banff Centre for the Arts
Arts in the bush
The Banff Centre is a globally respected arts, cultural, and educational institution and conference facility located in Banff, Alberta, Canada.
Art Metropole
Artist-run center for contemporary art in multiple formats
Art Metropole was founded by the Canadian artists collective General Idea as a non-profit artist-run archive and distribution agency for artists' publications and other materials.
Paul Foss
Paul Foss is the publishing editor of the art magazines Art & Text (Melbourne, Sydney, Los Angeles, 1981–2002) and artUS (Los Angeles, 2003-ongoing).
Kevin Kelly
Founding executive editor of Wired magazine, and a former editor/publisher of the Whole Earth Catalog. He has also been a writer, photographer, conservationist, and student of Asian and digital...
book: Irina Antonova 1 Jan 1996
Berlin Moskau 1900-1950
A wide-ranging investigation of the significant artistic exchanges between Berlin and Moscow during the first half of the 20th century.
Mediamatic Post CS
Distributed Library
28Jan 200829Jan 2008Mediamatic gave away all its books. We distributed our library in protest to skimpy Dutch art funding policy making practices. The way it's going, we won't be able to take care of our library...