Available For You
1Apr 200831أيار / مايو 2008'Available For You' is a site-specific process based project. It combines a dynamic interaction in the public sphere next to a growing presentation in an exhibition space.
The Urban Game Show
1Jan 200831Dec 2008Zaterdagavond vindt in het NAi The Urban Game Show plaats. Een avond vol games, films en performances met als onderwerp de stad Rotterdam en haar gebruikers.
Lux Photo Gallery
Lana Šlezić
24Apr 200830أيار / مايو 2008A Window Inside, is a series of portraits of Afghan women made through an old Afghan Box camera in which Slezic installed a modern camera. The calm and serene look of the women reveals a hidden world...
Lux Photo Gallery
Robert Knoth
24Apr 200830أيار / مايو 2008Neither men nor women. The red light district in the Pakistani city of Lahore is as famous in South Asia as the Amsterdam district by the same name is throughout the West. Strict rules about the...
Kunstenaarsinitiatief Paraplufabriek
About Nihilism, Silence and the Refusal to Speak
24Apr 20084أيار / مايو 2008"About Nihilism, Silence and the Refusal to Speak" is a title that expresses resistance. But exactly what do the three artists resist in this exhibition?
Docs at the Docks 2008
22Apr 2008Docs at the Docks 2008 is een serie van zes documentaireavonden die van april tot en met september iedere vierde dinsdag van de maand plaatsvindt op de NDSM-werf in Amsterdam Noord. Nieuw dit jaar is...
De Vleeshal
Martine Stig
12Apr 200815Jun 2008They look mischievously into the lens through the narrow opening of their niqabs. Three students behind their desk, sitting close together so that each of them is clearly shown on the photograph.
A happy, creative & curious soul......searching for exciting new colours to stimulate creativity...
Steve Coll reading
21Apr 2008One of America' s most renowned international affairs correspondents comes to the John Adams Institute podium to discuss his revelatory new book on the Bin Laden family. Steve Coll won the Pulitzer...
Pieter baan
25 jaar, eerstejaars student informatiekunde.
lucas evers
programmaleider cultuur, waag society; voorheen programmeur media, melkweg; voorheen programmamaker, de balie.
Esther Hammelburg
Levien Nordeman
things and thoughts about new media
Levien Nordeman (1982) is an independent writer and researcher in the field of new media and culture. His main interest is the interaction between (e-)culture, web 2.0, citizenship and society. He is...
Sleep Inn
7أيار / مايو 200812أيار / مايو 2008Mediamatic offered the visitors of Art Amsterdam and the Temporary Museum Amsterdam a free place to sleep and 5 days of performances and workshops for everybody. Your hostesses were Melanie Bonajo...
How to make a Sorry movie.
1. Get your camera, use your webcam, take you mobile and say: 'I am sorry'. 2. Publish the film on Youtube , and/or on Vimeo , Myspace or any place 3. Call your film Fitna Sorry Geert Wilders 4. Add...
Manifestatie tegen racisme, voor solidariteit
22Mar 2008Het is tijd om kleur te bekennen, nu het debat gedomineerd wordt door dagelijkse tirades tegen hele bevolkingsgroepen. Nu Geert Wilders Artikel 1 van de Grondwet wil afschaffen, omdat hij 'wil...
Fitna the movie
I am sorry
Fitna the movie from Geert Wilders on Vimeo .
hello. my name is * * and i like having a dry skin.
Ich arbeite in Deutschland.
Lloyd Time has the prepremiere of the Argentinian film 'XXY' Lloyd Hotel
17Mar 2008Lloyd Time has the prepremiere of the Argentinian film 'XXY' by Lucía Puenzo, which is one the main attractions of the Amnesty International Film Festival (AIFF).
Afro Futurism light and (un)popular black culture. NAi
Black audio film collective
14Mar 2008"From 1982 until 1998 the Black Audio Film Collective's essays, films and 'slide-tape texts' opened up a new aesthetic and discursive space within the worlds of British art, experimental film
Felix Meritis
De seksualisering van de maatschappij
8Mar 2008Iedereen praat over de seksualisering van de maatschappij, maar wat is dat eigenlijk precies? Is alle maatschappelijke opwinding over dit onderwerp terecht? Waar ligt de grens tussen seks en porno?
Showroom MAMA
Chaotic balance on well built structures
14Mar 200820Apr 2008Sinds 1997 werkt Andrew Schoults vanuit San Francisco aan grote muurschilderingen, al dan niet in de openbare ruimte, die zijn handelsmerk zijn geworden.
Studium Generale
17Mar 200820Mar 2008De titel van het Studium Generale in maart 2008 roept veel vragen op. Overgave, overkomt je dat? Valt het je toe? Is overgave een individuele ervaring of is het een collectieve zijn toestand die je...