مشروع تصميم خطوط Huda Smitshuijzen Abifares
المزاوجة التيپوغرافية للخط الطباعي العربي
١٠ مصممين عرب وهولنديين يصممون حروف طباعية عربية مرافقة لحروف لاتينية
اطلاق هذا المشروع الريادي. تمّت مناقشة مشروع «المزاوجة التيپوغرافية للخط الطباعي» في بادئ الأمر مع عدد من المصمّمين الهولنديين خلال مؤتمر ATypI في براغ , في أيلول/سبتمبر 2004. وتُرجمت هذه المناقشة...
مشاريع مؤسسة خط
How I Learned to LOVE RFID
20أيار / مايو 2006The series of lectures brings together approaches and projects that artistically and critically deal with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology - a technology that is significantly being...
Galerie Fons Welters
Continuing Performance
18Mar 200622Apr 2006Job Koelewijn and his monumental works of temporal significance. Opening: Saturday March 18th, 17:00.
'iPod Killed the Videostar'
18Feb 20069Apr 2006In the 1980s, the pop video truly arrived as a media form. With the advent of media providers such as MTV teenagers rushed home to watch the latest offerings of Madonna, The Cure and Ultravox.
Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten KABK
Eight more graphic designers
28Jan 20063Feb 2006The 8 recently graduated graphic designers will display their typography and imagery from 10-16 o'clock.
Louis Hartlooper Complex
28Nov 2005The second time round for the student and amateur film competition, with Tamara Bos leading the jury and a great selection to boot.
27Nov 200527Nov 2005Don't feel guilty anymore because you are going shopping on Sunday. Don't be bored anymore because you must go shopping on Sunday. SALE# will offer you material and mental comfort products.
the Future of Ideas
Intellectual Property
The speakers are Kamiel J. Koelman, Associate Professor, Computer/Law Institute (CLI), Vrije Universiteit: Open source software and software patents Hans Bousie, Owner, Bousie advocaten: Intellectual...
Villa Noailles
Sew me! and more
10Jul 200518Sep 2005Hella Jongerius, also known for her work for Droog Design, will be presenting an exhibition with her work and derivatives in France.
festival: Graz
Steirischer Herbst
29Sep 200530Oct 2005Also known as steirisc * bst , the city of Graz puts the polis on display. Explorations of the city as the hub of networks in aesthetic, political and cultural dimensions.
Erasmus Universiteit
Witte de With
Printing Matters
2Apr 200517Apr 2005A exhibition and a symposium with presentations, interventions, panel discussions and Fucking Good Art.
Floppy Disk promotion
12Mar 2005Skip the Rush distributed their promo mp3 on floppy disk. Wonderful marketing...
Write for Mediamatic.net
Do like to write about cultural and technological developments, to review a concert, lecture, performance-with-telekinetic-forks, or anything else you deem Mediamaticesque, you are most welcome to do...
Witte de With
Life, once More
27Jan 200527Mar 2005Life, once More koppelt (registraties van) reenactments van performances aan artistieke reflectie op vormen van reenactment buiten de kunst
Lazy Marie
Street Art
1Jan 20051أيار / مايو 2005Video art finds its place in the shop windows of Utrecht.
ROrschach, Instant Music en Jumbo Dollars
12Jan 2005in een driedubbel concert van WORM.
Galerie Binnen
GRID: Scholtens en Baijings
18Dec 2004Opening van de tentoonstelling van Scholtens en Baijings.
Capricious #2 Launch Party
18Dec 200419Dec 2004Some drinks, some dancing, and the second Capricious, a tear-out photography magazine that is nowhere near fashion or artsiness.
Amsterdamse Filmnacht
18Dec 200419Dec 2004(Voor zij die Naqoyqatsi met surround sound willen horen.) Een nachtelijke filmfestival in Amsterdam. De tweede alweer, en in de Balie ontmoet het deze keer ook de Roze Filmdagen.
Paul Groot 1 Jan 2004
Ooit keek de buitenwereld nogal verbaasd tegen de…
Re-enact, Performance Night
Het werd gezien als een spontaan, authentiek verschijnsel, met geen verwijzingen naar elders. Performance toonde geen dubbele bodem, geen diepte, en had geen last van een geschiedenis.
Mediamatic Post CS
Mediamatic Pretaporter
6Nov 20046Nov 2004Tijdens de Museumn8 2004 vond er bij Mediamatic de maandelijkse salon plaats. Met Wild Boar dresses, Machine therapy, MILKproject, Ubicomp en Culiblog. Inclusief warm eten.
Mo Veld