Feeling pigeon today?
Creating a Facefilter
How does it feel to be a pigeon? Of course, nobody can ever tell, and probably even each pigeon on its own feels different about it. But to support the feeling to be part of the pigeon community I...
Mediamatic Camilla Calamai
Becoming a Pigeon
What I learned from Donna Haraway’s book “Staying with the Trouble, Making Kin in the Chthulucene” and String Figure Theory
The Inhuman Carnival train us to see the world from a non-human perspective, specifically from the one of a pigeon. How do we change the gossip surrounding pigeons, and empathise with them so that we...
How to hold a pigeon
Learning from our new squabs
Yesterday we welcomed our new squabs (young pigeons) into their new home, at the top of Chim (tower n.11).