lecture: Beurs van Berlage
Retro Design or Populism
21Apr 2005a lecture by Werner Sewing, organized by Premsela
Felix Meritis
Nacht van de Filosofie
9Apr 2005We zijn, anno 2005, zeer welvarend en toch hebben we voortdurend het idee dat het ons aan van alles ontbreekt. Het menselijk tekort is het ervaren van schaarste in tijden van overvloed. Hoe kan dat?
Louis Hartlooper Complex
De Kunst Voorbij
15Mar 2005Kunst was kunst, politiek was politiek, in de jaren negentig tenminste. Maar nu zien we hoe kunstenaars zich met de politiek, met de publieke zaak, engageren. Dat was in Nederland in de jaren...
Terrorism gives power
to the Government...
On Wednesday the 9th of February, a benefit was held for Steve Kurtz, the artist from the Critical Art Ensemble who was arrested under suspicion of bioterrorism. He had a lab in his house where he...
UvA Universiteits Bibliotheek
Ontwerper en Opdrachtgever
11Feb 2005The tea leaf and the bean; Their relationship consisted of discussing if it ever even existed.
One Land, Two Systems
Foundation for Achieving Seamless Territory (FAST)
FAST is dedicated to exposing the global abuses of ideological planning, as found in Israel’s ‘unrecognised’ villages like Ein Hud, and to offering alternative solutions.
exhibition: Mediamatic Post CS
Planning as a Criminal Act
6Feb 200520Mar 2005Architecture and urban planning are often abused to maintain or aggravate unfair political, economic or social situations. This was clearly the case in the Israeli governments design for the future...
Galerie Binnen
GRID: Scholtens en Baijings
18Dec 2004Opening van de tentoonstelling van Scholtens en Baijings.
Ino Paap
Designer, project manager and partner
Ino stimulates the Mediamatic team to get the best out of the team. For us every project is a challenge to combine your knowledge and experience on your specific domain with our knowledge and...
Mediamatic Off-Line Vol. 10#3
For a Better World - winter 2001
Following on from Cesare Davolio's Annunciation (on the Red Brigade's kidnapping and eventual execution of the Italian politician Aldo Moro), this is the newest contribution to our irregular series...
Peter Sloterdijk
Peter Sloterdijk was born in Karlsruhe in 1947. 36 years later, in 1983, he became the shooting star of German philosophy with the publication of his early main work ‘The Critique of Cynical Reason’ .
Osama Bin Laden
Jürgen Habermas
Philosopher and sociologist
Jurgen Habermas is widely considered as the most influential thinker in Germany over the past decade [1970-80]. As a philosopher and sociologist he has mastered and creatively articulated an...
Baruch Spinoza
a.k.a. Benedictus
Hello people of the new millennium, My name is Baruch Spinoza and I like to think a lot. I'd love to share my thoughts with you but I'm still a bit scared to get them out in the open. You know, with...
Louis Althusser
Marxist philosopher
Best known perhaps for his anti-humanist interpretation of Marx, Louis Althusser’s predominant legacy is the critique of Hegelian Marxism, and infamous analysis that the early writings of Marx are...
Gilles Deleuze
Philosopher and postmodernist (1925—1995)
Deleuze is a key figure in postmodern French philosophy. Considering himself an empiricist and a vitalist, his body of work, which rests upon concepts such as multiplicity, constructivism, difference...
Theodor W. Adorno
Philosopher (1903-1969)
Member of the Frankfurt School. Adorno argued that popular media are the product of a 'culture industry' which keeps the population passive, preserving dominance of capitalism at the expense of true...
Donna Haraway
'There is nothing about being female that naturally binds women. There is not even such a state as "being" female, itself a highly complex category constructed in contested sexual scientific...
Jacques Lacan
Lacan refashioned Freudian psychiatry, and suggested that the unconscious was structured like a language, thereby giving a key role to semiotics and dissolving the usual boundaries between the...
Michel Foucault
Philosopher and historian
Michel Foucault (1926-1984) was a French historian and philosopher, associated with the structuralist and post-structuralist movements. He has had wide influence not only (or even primarily) in...
Herbert Marshall McLuhan
The Medium is the Massage
Herbert Marshall McLuhan (July 21, 1911 - December 31, 1980) was a Canadian educator, philosopher, and scholar-- a professor of English literature, a literary critic, and a communications theorist.
Dirk Van Weelden
Van Weelden was editor of the art magazine Mediamatic since 1991. Since 1999 he has been a member of the editors of the literary magazine De Gids. Van Weelden is a prominent member of the Dutch...
Van Gogh Museum
L'Art Nouveau. La Maison Bing
26Nov 200427Feb 2005Het Van Gogh Museum organiseert een tentoonstelling over het onstaan van Art nouveau, gezien vanuit het perspectief van Siegfried Bing (1835-1905). De naam van zijn in 1895 opgerichtte kunsthandel...
1 Jan 2004
Camille Paglia
Feminist Fatale
Although a reincarnate maenad, Camille Paglia is a worshipper of definite Apollo as well as of disorganizing Dionysus. She celebrates great art, archetypes, porn, rock'n'roll, and Renaissance man. In...