Graphic Design Museum
20Feb 20102Sep 2010De weerman op tv is vervangen door de buienradar, met je iPhone App zie je of je trein vertraging heeft. Via vluchtige media als het internet en de mobiele telefoon vinden we steeds sneller de...
Gilles de Hollander
Ik ben Gilles de Hollander, 5e-jaars Beta-Gamma bachelor-student. Beta-Gamma is een interdisciplinaire studie waar het denken 'tussen' wetenschapsdisciplines centraal staat. Je stroomt na een zwaar
Michel G. Jacquet
Object tracker
Computer tracks leaf
Computers can track objects quite well nowadays. They usually have trouble tracking green things against a green backdrop. But thanks to gabor tracker now they can! This tracker uses texture...
Sjoerd Kerkstra
Master of Artificial Intelligence (UvA) I like simplicity. I like interfaces which do not tell you what to do. Like post-its.
Stephan Verveen
workshop: Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
AR Dev Camp
17Apr 201017Apr 2010Follow the Backchannel . AR Dev Camp Amsterdam is a day-long event for Augmented Reality experts and novices alike, hosted at Mediamatic Bank. We have place for one hundred participants!
David Jonas Castanheira
programmer/ designer
I am a computer science engineer with a huge passion for arts. I am interested in the symbiotic relation between the "rule driven" world of technology and the "rule defiant" world of conceptual and...
Nikos Poulios
multimedia developer
I am currently studying the MSc Computer Science, with specialty on multimedia, at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. I am interested in multimedia applications development and interactive...
Pieter Adriaans
Painter, artist, philospher, professor of learning and adaptive systems, traveller, musician, sailor, just having fun.
Joao Martinho Moura
Jim de Beer
Anneleen De Coster
Ekim Tan
City Gamer
Born in Istanbul, I graduated as an architect at Middle East Technical University [METU] with the Archiprix Award in 1999, and got my second degree in urbanism of the Technical University Delft in...
Programma-initiator, penningmeester of voorzitter van programma- en beheerstichtingen. Coach van sociale en culturele ondernemers. Als penningmeester verantwoordelijk voor financiële continuïteit van...
Mattia Casalegno
Born in Naples, Italy. At the crossing point of video-art, new media art and generative design, his work moves from the necessity to explore relations and interconnections between musical and visual...
22Sep 200922Sep 2009We'll talk about the reasons for toyhacking, not just the fun stuff, like putting dinosaur heads on Barbies, but also the serious stuff, like making electronic toys accessible to the disabled. You...
Trouw Amsterdam
Society of the Query Conference
13Nov 200914Nov 2009The need to create order and find meaning in the gigantic quantity of online data has turned the search engine into our most significant point of reference. In this query driven society, The Society...
Andrew Nicolson
Wim Wouters