Joes Koppers
Shane Mitchell
Program Manager, Connected Urban Development
Shane Mitchell is program manager of the Connected Urban Development (CUD) initiative at Cisco, leading the development of the global community, thought leadership and driving technology innovation...
Lode Claassen
Helping others in creating their own 3D virtual environments
I'll be visiting PICNIC mainly for the specials on Wednesday and maybe some of the conferences on Wednesday/Friday. My colleague at L3D organization, Maarten Selten , gives a presentation at the...
Pim Betist
Founder SellaBand.com
Pim Betist is a passionate music lover. Instead of using his masters degree to climb the ladder in the corporate world, he gave up his job. Pim had a vision of how things could be different in the...
Trouw Amsterdam
Society of the Query Conference
13Nov 200914Nov 2009The need to create order and find meaning in the gigantic quantity of online data has turned the search engine into our most significant point of reference. In this query driven society, The Society...
Design Connection Brainport
Design Connection Brainport ontwikkelt, leidt en ondersteunt een breed scala aan projecten op het gebied van design & technologie in Zuidoost-Nederland.
RFID Hacker Camp / Mediamatic Camp Site Michel Langendijk
Social RFID Tour: behind the scenes
23Sep 2009Join us on Wednesday for a 30 minute tour along the 10+ interactive installations in the PICNIC Club. Starting point is the Mediamatic Hacker Camp Site, just outside the PICNIC Club. Find out more...
Platform21 = Jamming
16Sep 200926Sep 2009Platform21 will soon close its doors, but not without a last BANG! We end a 3,5-year period of pioneering work with an exciting co-creation project: Platform21 = Jamming.
Installations Hacker Camp '09
Social RFID experiments
An overview of all Hacker Camp installations made at PICNIC 2009. The will be presented during Play with your Tag at PICNIC (23 – 25 September 2009).
Social RFID Hacker Camp '09
All info about the Hacker Camp 2009
The Mediamatic Social RFID Hacker Camp explores various recent technologies like RFID, physical computing and social networking but also looks into aspects of interaction design and interactive...
RFID Hacker Camp / Mediamatic Camp Site
Hacking the PICNIC website Lab: MAKE!
25Sep 2009Hands-on session to make your own software to talk to www.picnicnetwork.org. Maarten Wolzak from Magnatron (iPhone developer) and Arjan & Ralph of Mediamatic Lab will be there to guide you. At the...
Bart van Maanen
Contentmarketing & copywriting
Het Beeldbedrijf doet websites, contentmarketing & tekst. Studio Klankplank doet podcasts.
Jeroen Mol
People want to be entertained anywhere anytime… all to prevent us from getting bored. That’s why I present Augmented Reality. It’s a new form of entertaining the audience.
Liz Turner
RFID Hacker Camp / Mediamatic Camp Site
Social RFID Hacker Camp 2009
18Sep 200925Sep 2009For five feverish days — 24 hours a day — this stimulating event explores various recent technologies like RFID, physical computing and social networking but also looks into aspects of interaction...
currently working @ virtueel platform _ PICNIC Academy HOT100
I am an art historian specialised in contemporary art and theory of art
jean louis frechin
NoDesign, l'objet est l'interface
Jean-Louis Fréchin is a DPLG architect and a graduate of the ENSCI, where he trained under Yves Savinel, Gilles Rozé and Marc Berthier. In 1989 he left France to work at the INESC, a computer...
Emilie Randoe
'The best way to predict the future is to create it'
Mauricio Martins
Coordinator of altLab Lisbon’s Hackerspace, a community-based and community-building collective dedicated to independent research. Maker of Things, Tinkerer, and Open Source advocate. Works mainly as...
Wat is je favoriete interactieve installatie?
Mediamatic Lab en Atelier ontwikkelen interactieve installaties die leuk zijn op evenementen en congressen.
Ecomap Lab: THINK!
Labs PICNIC '09
Waag Society, FING, FutureEverything and Amsterdam Innovation Motor will host a one-day EcoMap Lab at PICNIC. We will build a shared understanding on how to map the environment (eg. energy, waste...
party: Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
Schmelzolan Schmooze Gathering
12Sep 2009This little event is to show you how nice it is to make robots! Arty geeks Ralf Schreiber and Christian Faubel will give a short presentation about how the robots are made and what you can do with...
Marianne Herbert
Looking forward to picnic '09! On a mission to collect more smart innovations contributing to our connected world.
Gerben Mak
Innovation is a state of mind!
Gerben Mak is Director Global Portfolio Management at Logica. In this role, Gerben and his team manage the lifecycle of Logica's worldwide portfolio: where to invest, what to improve and how to meet...