book: Noah Wardrip-Fruin, Nick Montfort 1 Jan 2003
The New Media Reader
This reader collects the texts, videos, and computer programs--many of them now almost impossible to find--that chronicle the history and form the foundation of the still-emerging field of new media.
Day of Games
7Nov 2003Try out van Game, een bordspel ontwikkeld door Hubert Czerepok.
The one minutes award
16Nov 2003Uitreiking van de one minute awards voor
Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst
deeenminuten nu
15Nov 200329Nov 2003Tentoonstelling van video's van precies een minuut.
Beamer, Laptop, Space Rental
Powerbook rental, Data projector rental, Space rental
The Mediamatic foundation rents out space and equipment in support of cultural activities, presentations or workshops. In the center of Amsterdam, close to Central Station and the Ring road and with...
Centraal Museum
Sanctuary Mental Space
4Nov 200323Nov 2003Tentoonstelling van Dick Tuinder en Aryan Kaganof over alter-ego's en mentale maskers.
De Waag
14Nov 2003The celebration of the publication of Area - 100 graphic designers, 10 curators, 10 classics.
Tourette II
1Nov 20035Nov 2003Everyday another programme.
Arti et Amicitiae
Arti et Amori
30Oct 2003Een lezing en paneldiscussie over de liefde.
Tourette's II
29Oct 20035Nov 2003Eight full evenings of paint, lecture, film, music, performance. All might be placed somewhere between DADA and ZEN.
De Appel
8Nov 2003Musik Total Rewired.
Smart Project Space
Artists Present
24Oct 2003A series in which artists present their work.
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Subscribe to our mailinglist by registring on our website. We will keep you up to date about our projects, workshops and exhibitions. Do you want to unsubscribe? Logon, go to preferences (in the grey...
Gerrit Rietveld Academie
Cities and Eyes 1
22Oct 2003Lezingen op veschillende locaties in Amsterdam.
Investeren in innovatie
24Oct 2003Conferentie over de rol van de creatieve sector in de kenniseconomie.
Centraal Museum
Centraal Fluxus Festival
23Oct 200326Oct 2003Tentoonstelling over Fluxus met oud en nieuw werk.
Museum Ludwig
Lily van der Stokker
1Nov 200311Jan 2004Second station in a five-part series of exhibitions entitled Performative Installation.
Techno Barok + Handheld Symphonies
23Oct 2003Christoph Kummerer en Matt Wand werken met de ondoorzichtige software van Nintendo's laatste draagbare gameconsoles.
In Pakt
18Oct 20039Nov 2003AIM, de Parel en Ki-osk presenteren:
Baby Gallery
Michael Reisch
18Oct 200328Nov 2003Opening of the new Baby Gallery and the celebration of the new Baby Issue.
De Kring
24Nov 2003Workshop onder leiding van Kees Hin: Concept voor de Documentaire Film
Shadow Festival
20Nov 200326Nov 2003Festival met aandacht voor de creatieve en experimentele documentaire.
De Waag
Lost & Found Radio
23Oct 200325Oct 2003Lost & Found laat kunst zien op de radio.
1 Jan 2003
Rebecca Gomperts
Women's activist
Art, the sea and the struggle for selfdetermination for women.