Reader for Mobtagging Workshop
Links on social software, tags and CBPP
Mobtagging is the practice of a large group of users who freely apply and exchange tags (metadata) to a set of unstructured online information. The aim is to describe content more adequately
Test-Portal 2005
10Jun 200525Jun 2005A new city space has been created in North Amsterdam with room for freedom and experiment. A place for late night art, liquid architecture, audio installations and did we mention the bar?
P /AKT lezing
27أيار / مايو 2005Jan Robert Leegte, Jochem van der Spek en Peter Luining spreken over hun werk. Toegang gratis.
Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ
12Jun 2005A naked version of the opera, directed by Peter Konwitschny. Music direction by Ingo Metzmacher with Hannu Niemelä as Wozzeck.
Witte de With
Blijf waar je bent - een debat
25أيار / مايو 2005Een discussieplek voor en door studenten, aansluitend op de tentoonstelling Be what you want but stay where you are.
Reader for Hybrid World Lab
A collection of projects, theory and criticism on Hybrid World developments and RFID
Locative-GPS GeoTracing : is a software platform for creating multimedial geo-applications. Bliin.com : Bliin lets you share your location and geo-tagged photos from your handset in real-time.
12أيار / مايو 2005Performance part of the live-program from the exhibition Resonance from Montevideo.
Filmtheater Rialto
Disorientation - new ways of storytelling
3Jun 20051Jul 2005The deconstruction of narrative as we know it is a slow but ongoing process. Storytellers nowadays deconstruct and disorient in their storytelling, producing new inventive ways of communication. In...
Installation Club 11, PostCS
Playing FLICKR v1.0
9أيار / مايو 200516أيار / مايو 2005For one week in May, the diners in Restaurant 11 will be confronted with the photos the users of Playing FLICKR select. By sending a keyword through SMS, users can request all photos on the flickr.
The sacred banality of everyday life
An interview with Martin Butler on his performance Ritter, Dene, Voss during the opening of Flickr Peep Show , on the possibility and impossibility of the sociable image and how Flickr's religious...
Workshop Archive Mediamatic Post CS
CrashCourse Triggered by RFID
13Jul 200515Jul 2005Triggered by RFID CrashCourse is designed as a Think-and-do Tank which explores RFID from an artist's/ designer's point of view. Large logistical companies see RFID as the ultimate application for...
exhibition: Mediamatic Post CS
Flickr Peep Show
1أيار / مايو 200518Jun 2005The second Mediamatic exhibition on the ground floor of the Post CS building is about flickr.com, the photo sharing website developed by Ludicorp. Until the 18th of June.
Workshop Archive WTC Amsterdam
Mobtagging DisCourse
25Aug 200526Aug 2005Mobtagging, also known as folksonomy or social tagging, is what happens when users freely apply and exchange labels (metadata) to online information. This practice could change the ways in which...
On Videoletters.net
Connecting people in cyberspace
Videoletters is a series of 20+ documentaries made by Eric van den Broek and Katarina Rejger, in which they show how they connect people from former Yugoslavia by taping and delivering videoletters.
6Apr 20057Apr 2005Shootout wit: Graig, Dirk Diggler, Earldaddy & Kind
Museum Jan Cunen Oss
6Apr 2005Sound of a Motion heeft een speciale zinnentent ontworpen die alle zintuigen prikkelt, voor een schilderij. Voor 4 tot 8 jaar, maar volwassenen worden gedoogd.
Write for Mediamatic.net
Do like to write about cultural and technological developments, to review a concert, lecture, performance-with-telekinetic-forks, or anything else you deem Mediamaticesque, you are most welcome to do...
De Waag
16Mar 2005Will.0.w1sp uses real-time particle systems and motion capture to create characters which move like human beings, but do not have the human form.
Motel Mozaique
15Apr 200517Apr 2005LCD Soundsystem, Nancy Sinatra and fine art. Last year you could sculpt your own vagina, this year we're not sure yet what they will cook up.
screening: Mediamatic Post CS
Paradise Girls
22Feb 2005Fow Pyng Hu introduceerde tijdens deze salon zijn film Paradise Girls (NL 2004, 97 min)..
Huis Marseille
Made in Britain
5Mar 200529أيار / مايو 200512 engelse fotografen onderzoeken verschillende aspecten en eigenaardigheden van Groot Brittannië aan de hand van portretten, landschappen, stillevens, reportages, collages en experimentele...
lecture: Casco
24Mar 2005De Britse kunstenaar Chris Evans gaf in Casco een lezing over zijn nieuwe project ‘RECRUITING!’ en lichtte dit toe in de context van zijn verdere artistieke praktijk.
Workshop Archive Passenger Terminal
Final Presentation of the Workshop Interactive…
17أيار / مايو 2003The final presentation for the festival audience will be on Saturday May 1 at the Passenger Terminal.
Information Age
16Jan 20056Jun 2005For what exactly is information? The large portions of text made searchable by Google? The millions of digital images zooming onto our retinas each day? The very code of our DNA? How is these...