Die Dutch catalog
A project by Lucyeileen Hernandez
For her graduation project at the Hogeschool van de Kunsten in Utrecht in 2005, Lucyeileen Hernandez designed a funeral catalog. As a Mexican native living in the Netherlands, Lucyeileen was struck...
V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media
Test_Lab: Artistic Interfaces
12Mar 2009In this edition of Test_Lab, the outcome of artistic experiments in (counter-) intuitive Artistic Interfaces will be elaborated upon by interaction designer and researcher Kristina Andersen, and...
Slow Love Sex and Art
Painter and 3D artist.
Malc Dow
Pim van Boesschoten
Hans van der Meer, Doha, Qatar
Maya Saikali
Maya Saikali is a partner and creative director at KITE creative, based in Beirut. She holds a Bachelor degree in Graphic Design from the American University of Beirut and a Masters Degree in...
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Communicados anonimous
Ik kom inspiratie opdoen bij jouw event en ben benieuwd. Tot dan.
Wijdesteeg Parking
1Mar 20091Mar 2009Op zondag 1 maart 2009 vindt in de Wijdesteeg Parking in de Wijdesteeg 5 in Amsterdam een nieuwe en unieke zondagsmarkt plaats. Van 12:00 tot 19:00 kan men terecht op Amsterdams’ nieuwste markt. Hier...
Handmade Electronic Music workshop
A workshop by Nicolas Collins - register now!
Assuming no technical background whatsoever, Handmade Electronic Music carries the participants through a series of sound-producing electronic construction projects, from making simple contact...
Arne van Oosterom
Owner and Service Design Consultant at DesignThinkers.
Flatstation Sandra van Dongen
Mostly It Happens At Night
19Feb 200928Feb 2009Artists: Marcel van den Berg, Daniela Bershan & Jonas Ohlsson, Maurice Bogaert, Constant Dullaart, Quinsy Gario, Regina Kelaita, Anne Schiffer and Pilvi Takala From 19 February on, Mostly It Happens...
andre ancion
discover surprising Amsterdam, canal houses, museum, fine Art Nouveau & Art Deco interiors, meet craftsmen, flowers & gardens, private catering. Tours guided in English, French German, Italian and...
Nadine Jarvis: Challenging Post Mortem Traditions
Designer Nadine Jarvis has produced some very thought provoking art work using cremated remains. But before you say, "Oh, I've seen those paintings and glass sculptures with the ashes mixed in"...
johnny chukruts
Amsterdam Stella Vesselinova, Patrick Veerkamp
Dealing with multitude (High, Low and Inbetween…
10Mar 2009Spellbound (BNO Kring Amsterdam) organiseert elke tweede dinsdag van de maand in Pakhuis de Zwijger in Amsterdam een avond vol inzicht en inspiratie, met lezingen door ontwerpers en spraakmakende...
andrea posada escobar
François W. Beydoun
Industrial & Web Designer
My role as an industrial designer is to create new or develop existing ideas. The appearance of products that are to be made is essential, but before embarking on the form, my task as a professional...
Ruben Doornweerd