exhibition: Yksi
Yksi meets Rietveld
29Oct 200612Jan 2007Vanwege het 15-jarig jubileum organiseert Galerie Yksi het project "Yksi meets Rietveld".
exhibition: Stedelijk Museum Docking Station
Docking Station
5Mar 2007Vanaf 20 oktober opent het Stedelijk Museum 'Docking Station', een nieuwe projectruimte op de tweede verdieping van Stedelijk Museum CS.
Petra Blaisse
designer of interiors and exteriors
Het werk van de Nederlandse ontwerper Petra Blaisse heeft een interdisciplinair karakter. Zij werkt in uiteenlopende disciplines zoals textiel-, landschap- en tentoonstellingsontwerpen.
Emer Beamer
Emer works at Butterfly Works which she co-founded, a do-tank where we combine design with finding sustainable answers to international social questions.
exhibition: Sandberg Instituut
New Work Edition #3 Sandberg
28Oct 20061Nov 2006The Sandberg Institute Design Department shows new work. Opening september 28th at 5 pm.
exhibition: PAKT
New Terrortories III
13Oct 20061Nov 2006KI-OSK.NL is anew internetshop for fashion, art and design. On friday night the show will be opened. Terrortory is an extrovert show which brings art to the people. The curators have recruited an...
exhibition: Showroom MAMA
Mise en Scène
7Oct 200619Nov 2006Mise en Scène will explore the way in which a handful of artists working today use the complex interaction elements - architecture, decoration, lightning, costume, staging, tricks- to build their...
exhibition: Design Academy
Graduation Galleries 2006
21Oct 200629Oct 2006Over de identiteit van de mens en van ons land, evenwicht en beschouwing, helse machines en virtuele systemen, alchemie van materiaal en beweging in textiel, open deuren en hermetische vormen en het...
Disclaimer 'Something fake'
5Oct 2006An evening with presentations by Bea Correa (designer), Annemarie Commandeur (trend forecaster), Björn Franke (designer) and others.
exhibition: Kunstpaviljoen
museum huis
1Oct 200629Jan 2007Stichting museum KUNSTPAVILJOEN nodigt uit.
workshop: Noordbrabants Musem
Dutch Village
23Sep 20067Jan 2007Van 23 seotember 2006 tot en met 7 januari 2007 presenteert het Noordbrabants Museum in samenwerking met Design Academy Eindhoven en Royal Tichelaar Makkum de expositie 'Dutch Village, Innovative...
26Sep 20061Oct 2006Van 26 september tot 1 oktober 2006 krijgt de bezoeker een scala aan innovatieve ideeën voorgeschoteld over de rol en vorm van de keuken en kan hij proeven van conceptuele vormgeving van serviezen en...
exhibition: Kunstwerkplaats KipVis
Kipvis, eind september.
30Sep 200610Nov 2006Tegelijk met de opening van De Vleeshal en de Kabinetten van de Vleeshal presenteert Kunstwerkplaats KipVis de exposities van Maartje Korstanje, Ko de Kok en werk van Juister Audiovisueel...
exhibition: Marres
Die Dinge After Cage
23Sep 200624Sep 2006Ter markering van de afsluiting van de tentoonstelling 'Die Dinge After Cage', onderdeel van het EU-regionaal project 'AfterCage, 24 Veramelingen in Beweging', organiseert Marres op zaterdag 23...
presentation: Platform21
Young at Heart
28Sep 2006Senior designers will tell their story to design students and starting designers. With Hans Appenzeller, Ben Bos, Wim Crouwel, Aldo van den Nieuwelaar, Siep Wijsenbeek and others.
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Deborah M. Kōdō
\/•ᴥ•\/ - \/•ᴥ•\/ ━━► OMG, DOGS!
I've worked for Mediamatic from August 2006 till May 2014. I was responsible for all the 'new' media, (bio + geeky)-technology, mycelium, Aquaponics and art- workshops , and in the (recent) past also...
exhibition: R&R, Reuten Galerie
Digital Bodies
2Sep 20067Oct 2006Notes on the transition from the digital to the physical and back again. curator: Geert Deekers, opening: September 2nd, 16:00.
Centraal Museum
6Sep 2006Critical methodologies in the field of art and design.
Nieuwe Kerk
Fashion & Kostuum
7Sep 2006Een avond over de verschillende facetten van het kostuum, waaronder het cosplay kostuum
San Jose Convention Center
ZeroOne San Jose
7Aug 200613Aug 2006The displays of this 6 day smash will include Wifi ArtCache by Julian Bleecker, DIY Urban Challenge by Jonah Brucker-Cohen and Katherine Moriwaki, Datamatics by Ryoji Ikeda, MILKproject by Esthe...
exhibition: San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art
12Aug 200616Sep 2006Opening: August 12th, 18:00. The featured artists of the exhibition will include Kota Ezawa and his super flat images, Ed Osborn and his machines, and Ken Goldberg with the Telegarden.
festival: The Hague, The Netherlands
22Sep 200623Sep 2006On music/ performing arts/ fine art, with the confirmed artists including the Japanese twins Eru & Emu who will co-host a stage together with the basterdized dutch art collective Antistrot, United...
festival: NDSM-Werf
Robodock 06
20Sep 200623Sep 2006The annual festival for robotics, spectacle theater, performance and fire art has been endowed with the life giving theme of Alchemy this year. The program reflects a desire to find the nectar of...
workshop: Platform21
12Aug 2006Make your own stuffed character to keep you company through life. The workshop will be given by Maoma to participants of the ages 20-80.