Karin Husslage
eindredacteur Sprout
Johnny Haeusler
Rob Roelofs
chief editor Sprout
Wendy van Esveld
Julia Schlotter
Graduate of Qantm College, a school for game-development.
Francesco Federico
I'm a freelance journalist and blogger mainly interested in internet and technology, trying to understand their effect on society and how both younger and elder generations are leveraging the power...
Martijn van Osch
inspires, learns, experiments and creates
Founder, editor and blogger at Fresh Creation (since 2005). Also responsible for the webdesign, interaction design and continuous tweaking of the website. Loves to inspire others by sharing all the...
Taco van Dijk
Rick van der Wal
Digital Storyteller
Digital Storyteller
Anne-Floor van Tilburg
Patrick Schelvis
Hannes Velt
Hans Frederiks
Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
Ignite Amsterdam 5
27Jan 201115 short, smart and clever talks, joined and bound by one simple rule: twenty slides, five minutes. The Arcade exhibition is rapidly expanding. We invited fifteen speakers to talk with us about games.
Pakhuis de Zwijger
Thomas Klaui
4Apr 201129Apr 2011In april is een selectie van grafisch werk van vormgever Thomas Klaui te zien in het eetcafé van Pakhuis de Zwijger.
PhD Arts
One Day Shop
3Apr 2011De designersmarkt op 3 april is een afsluiting van een periode Intermezzo. Tegelijkertijd is het een voorbeeld van het soort kortdurende projecten zoals Intermezzo die in de toekomst meer zal gaan...
An interview with KhaJag Apelian
"All the basic things in life are design."
Born in Dubai, raised in Lebanon, and currently based in The Hague: KJ is leading the Noord design team. He tells us about his love for the performing arts, and the power of design.
Mediamatic wins Dutch Design Prize 2007 for El…
Category 'Visual Identity'
This weekend El HEMA got awarded a Dutch Design Prize! Not the audience prize (we were second there) but the prize for "Visual Identity". Jans Possel and Willem Velthoven went on stage to receive...
presentation: Mediamatic Post CS JoAnn DeLuna
El Hema Koopavond 7
2Aug 2007Mediamatic unveiled the first Arabic chocolate letter—possibly ever made—at the 7th weekly meeting for the upcoming El HEMA exhibition. The letter, created by Bernardo Gaeiras, signified only one of...
concept, design & development of mobile apps