Theater Frascati en de Brakke Grond
Something Raw
14Feb 201218Feb 2012De elfde editie van het internationale dans- en performancefestival Something Raw vindt plaats van dinsdag 14 februari tot en met zaterdag 18 februari 2012. Frascati en Vlaams Cultuurhuis de Brakke...
Elaine Groenestein
She cooks, and eats. And she is me.
Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, Rijksmuseum Twenthe, Centraal Museum Utrecht
15Dec 201125Feb 2012Het Gemeentemuseum Den Haag en de Stichting ArtWorlds organiseren de ZomerExpo2012, het vervolg op de succesvolle ZomerExpo2011, de eerste landelijke beeldende kunst tentoonstelling samengesteld...
Pien de Meanmachine
Mediamatic Bank at Duintjer CS
Opening Kiki on Steroids
17Oct 200817Oct 2008Friday October 17 Mediamatic celebrated the opening of the new exhibition Kiki on Steroids!, about transgender and selfrepresentation on the internet. With over 350 visitors it was a big success.
Sander Rutjens
Planning & Projectmanagement
Projectleider Amsterdam Museum
Well, I am friendly. Who really loves to wander all around the world and backpack through unexplored destination. Adore doing new things. I always listen to my heart because I am not intellectual...
Guus Verschuur
Graphic Designer @ Work Hard Play Hard
Geschiedenis was mijn lievelingsvak op school – na gym.
Fatale vrouwen en kunstenaars
Eind negentiende eeuw was het onder mannelijke kunstenaars een echte rage: zij schilderden en schreven massaal over de 'fatale vrouw'.
Mediamatic Bank
Verboden boeken leesclub
9Jun 2011Verboden boeken lezen als teken van verzet? Een veelvoorkomend fenomeen bij repressieve regimes. Inwoners van Sovjet Rusland lazen stiekem Dr. Zhivago, in de Arabische wereld werden kopieën van...
Niels Bouwman
- Communications
Caught in between two studies now reinforcing the team and their communications. Mostly concerned with the foundation but very lab-friendly. Talk to me about your deepest thoughts, the greatest books...
Ellen van den Berg
Cultural Scientist with a passion for the Internet of things...
irony of collectivity
irony of collectivity
Hanka Silverlake
a turbo folk singer
C&H Art Space
Bad Girls
19Feb 201126Mar 2011C&H Art Space is pleased to annouce the opening of the new gallery. The group show “Bad Girls” will be the first exhibition and consists of work from the following artists: Jo Benink, Melanie Bosboom
Suzan Kolen
Soldering is the new knitting!
I'm working at the Mediamatic foundation to help with the new exhibition. I'm creating an educational program to go with that exhibition. And last, but not least, I'm a master of soldering and like...