Onzichtbare Collectie: Brieflezende Vrouw
Hier wordt Brieflezende vrouw van Johannes Vermeer beschreven door Peter Vandermeersch.
Onzichtbare Collectie: Intocht van Jezus Christus…
Hier wordt Intocht van Jezus Christus te Brussel van James Ensor 1888 door Peter Vandermeersch verteld.
Onzichtbare Collectie: A Bigger Splash, David…
Hier wordt A Bigger Splash van David hockney verteld door Dirk van Weelden.
Onzichtbare Collectie: 100 Untitled Works in Mil…
Hier wordt 100 Untitled Works in Mil Aluminum door Donald Judd beschreven door Conny Groenewegen.
Onzichtbare Collectie: Angela Davis + Here The…
Charles Esche Charles Esche is director of Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven; professor of contemporary art and curating at Central Saint Martins, UAL, London and co-director of Afterall Journal and...
exhibition: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Contemplative Bath(tub)
14Dec 201831Dec 2021With this installation Giorgio Gasco represents his internal conflict: Should a designer always choose for a sustainable completion of the design to save the planet, or does he allow himself the...
In 2019 we worked with these people
Mediamatic ETEN
Vegan Restaurant and Bar at Mediamatic Biotoop
We are the vegan restaurant of Mediamatic located at the Oosterdok. During the day we serve coffee, tea and some delicious homemade hummus with flatbread. At night we have different options during...
workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Meet Isabel Burr Raty
7Dec 2018The coming year, Isabel Burr Raty will be in residence at Mediamatic. She will be a regular attendee of the Mediamatic Biotoop with scheduled consults for you to attend. Exchange your ideas and sign...
Taco Dibbits
Director of the Rijksmuseum
Wim Pijbes
Former art director of the Rijksmuseum
Willem Meint Jans "Wim" Pijbes is a Dutch art historian and emeritus General Director of the Rijksmuseum , Amsterdam . He is one of the minds behind the museum's complete refurbishment and...
exhibition: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Invisible Collection
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to not be able to look at art? With this auditory collection, we discover art with all our senses except sight. How do you experience art without looking at it?
presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Museum Night for the Blind & Visually Impaired
10Nov 2018On the 10th of November we will rediscover the museum night, with all the senses except our eyes. This evening is specially organized for people with a visual impairment. Come to Mediamatic and...
Aslı Hatipoğlu
Artist / Cook
Aslı is a textile culinary artist who's interdisciplinary social practice focuses on curating participatory dinners and installations that shed light on how culinary history and agricultural politics...
exhibition: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Opening: Margherita Soldati & Zeger Reyers
3Nov 2018On 3 November 2018 we'll festively open two new exhibitions: The Skin is an Extension of the Brain by Margherita Soldati and 'O' Tristana by Zeger Reyers and the launch of our Invisible...
exhibition: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
3Nov 20181Dec 2022Is it allowed to touch the ceiling? With Soffitto, Margherita Soldati proposes another way of experiencing the space around us by engaging with our senses. In the multi-sensorial installation
exhibition: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
'O' Tristana
3Nov 201830Nov 2021Oysters are locked in their own enclosing and homemade houses. Once they settle, that's it, they never move again. A sad thing according to artist Zeger Reyers. For his exhibition 'O' Tristana he...
September '18 – December '21
Anne Lakeman
Event and Programme Manager
After graduating from the Gerrit Rietveld Academie from the Photography Department and moving on from the Management Team at Cultureel Centrum 't Fijnhout, I ended up at Mediamatic as the Event and...
Suzanne Bernhardt
Suzanne Bernhardt is a visual artist that graduated from the Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam, in 2016. Her works often relate to social sculpture and how the practice of arts creates new potential...
exhibition: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Kunstformen der Natur
5أيار / مايو 201818Jun 2020Ernst Haeckel's most beautiful bio-organisms in and around Mediamatic. Ernst Haeckel was a 19th century evolutionary biologist, together with Adolf Giltsch he made fascinating lithographs of bio
Gwen van der Zwan
Gwen van der Zwan is a Dutch writer, journalist, producer, photographer, and performer. As a journalist, she works for VICE, The Next Web, KRO-NCRV, Human, Skateism, and other platforms. Pluim will...
27 m2 / 5- 20 p.
Colorful space with relaxed atmosphere
The Tuinkamer is a beautiful space with lots of light. This space is suitable for workshops, meetings and presentations.
presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark Mediamatic Foundation
Uitmarkt 2017
26Aug 201727Aug 2017Een weekend vol met (bio)culturele activiteiten en projecten zoals 'Interwoven' van Diana Scherer, een spectaculaire modeshow 'Artsy Onesie Tango Rave' en presentaties van Wouter Hassing en Corinne...
presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark Mediamatic Foundation
Midsummer Night
23Jun 2017The shortest night in the year is a special one. For many centuries it has been celebrated by cultures all over the world, by lighting bonfires, gathering of magical herbs, dancing, singing and more.