Johannes Vogt
Sorry indeed
Last night we finally watched Wilders own sorry movie.
Fitna the movie
I am sorry
Fitna the movie from Geert Wilders on Vimeo .
Nieke Koek
exploring the world of performance
things goning on right now...
Thomas Monses
Review workshop Russian Brides Gijs Rood
How to become a Gentleman
Het is nog rustig op de woensdagavond in de exporuimte van Mediamatic. Zojuist is het startschot gegeven door twee Russische kunstenaars voor de vijf dagen durende expositie Russian Brides. In het...
Gil & Moti
We Gil & Moti, are duo artists living and working together since 1994. Our work moves freely between life, the visual arts and performance.
We Gil & Moti, are duo artists living and working together since 1994. Our work moves freely between life, the visual arts and performance. The decision to live life as a performance and to make art...
exhibition: Mediamatic Post CS
Gastarbeider Dating
30Jan 200816Mar 2008Looking for a new friendship, cultural dipping or creative impulse? Curious about other people and cultures? Then Gastarbeider (Immigrant) Dating was something for you! From January 27th to the 16th...
De Unie
Emancipatiemachine in de versnelling
21Nov 2007Debat met: Godfried Engbersen, hoogleraar algemene sociologie aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam en verbonden aan het Sociaal Platform Rotterdam; Henk Oosterling, filosoof en initiatiefnemer...
Eervolle vermelding El HEMA ontwerpwedstrijd 2007 Saskia Maeijer
alles goed? T-shirt
Voor verrassende ontmoetingen!
Een ontwerp van KiaMia. (zie www.kiamia.nl) Trek aan, ga op stap, en ontdek dat de dingen niet zo zwart wit zijn als ze lijken.
Alfons Hooikaas
Cut Up Djellaba
Customize the traditional djellaba into your fashionable tunique
This item is a kit, where you get a white arabic djelaba and a pair of scissors. What do you need to do then? Just start cutting, and express your own style through that traditional clothing.
max kisman
Word and Image
Max Kisman (NL, 1953) is a graphic designer, illustrator, type designer and animator and a pioneer in digital technology in the 80s, with an internationally acclaimed practice.
El HEMA forum
Op 24 augustus 2007 opent de El HEMA tentoonstelling. Dit is de online ontmoetingsplaats voor deelnemers aan de voorbereidingen.
exhibition: Mediamatic Post CS
24Aug 20076Jan 2008What would an Arabic Hema look like? Halal sausage? Arabic chocolate letters? Affordable high quality headscarves? 3 Arabic scarfs (kaffia) for the price of 2? Tunics or djellabas? School...
Final Intervention
Final Intervention seeks collaborators
We are currently looking for UK based artists/writers/curators interested in site-specific installation to collaborate on the developmental stage of Final Intervention. A dynamic network of...
Paris, France, Cafe Moskau, New York, NY, Tokyo, Belgrade, Serbia Bogomir Doringer
"Déranger" a fashion film by AVANT 16 and Bogomir…
24Feb 20076أيار / مايو 2007After presentation of "Untitled" fashion collection in Belgrade, Timothy Zaragoza and Bogomir Doringer came up with idea of 16mm film editorial. Since the show in Belgrade fashion week was already...
into new
graphic designer webdesigner Amsterdam Portuguese illustration Algarve Azores Lisbon music smile films color
Katja Sokolova
All my projects are driven by human interest. I am curious about how different people look at and think about the world. Lately I've switched from curating art shows to documentary film production. I...
Marian Stefan
Clear sight , subtext , perception, order , mixing , remix , next , sometimes ,makeup , upload , congestion, fiction , reaction, action, inside , paralel, flux ,situation, VR , touch, reaserch, trend, public,font,layer, line , content , structure.
Marian Stefan has arrived in amsterdam in 2006 .After a traveling around Europe for a couple of years he made the decision to start all over in a multicultural place . He likes architecture , art